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FairCom RTG Utilitiescttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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cttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility

cttrnmod allows an advanced user to change the transaction status of a FairCom DB data file and its associated index files. The utility can also be used to display the transaction status of a c-tree data file and its associated indexes.

It is expected only advanced database administrators will run this utility.

Operational Model:

  • Client


cttrnmod (set <tranmode>|get) (-d <database>|-f <filelist>)
[-u <userid>] [-p <password>] [-s <servername>] [-n <sect>]


  • set <tranmode> - Set the transaction mode to one of the following:
    • T - Full Transaction Control
    • P - Partial Transaction Control (No Recoverability)
    • N - No Transaction Control (No Recoverability)

    repl=on - Enable replication (requires full transaction control)

    repl=off - Disable replication

    The following extended header attributes may also be set:

    • {+,-}R - {Enable,Disable} Restorable deletes
    • {+,-}C - {Enable,Disable} Transaction controlled deletes
    • {+,-}A - {Enable,Disable} Auto transaction switching
  • get - Display the current transaction mode
  • -d or -f - Operate on all files in the database or all listed files:
    • -d <database> - Operate on all files in the c-tree database <database>
    • -f <filename> - Operate on all files listed in the file <filelist>
  • -u <userid> - Specify c-tree user ID
  • -p <password> - Specify c-tree user password
  • -s <servername> - Specify FairCom Server name to connect to. Default: FAIRCOMS
  • -n <sect> - Specify node sector size. Default: 64 (PAGE_SIZE=8192)

The files to change are specified by either the -d <database> option or the -f <filelist> option. The -d <database> option specifies the name of a c-tree database -- when this option is specified, the utility operates on all files referenced in that database (excluding SQL system data and index files). The -f <filelist> option specifies the name of a text file containing names of c-tree data files, one per line -- when this option is specified, the utility operates on all files specified in that text file.

Note: Indexes created with ctPREIMG or ctTRNLOG are physically structured differently than indexes that do not support transactions. Thus a non-tran index cannot be converted to transaction control, and must be rebuilt after the conversion. If an index file is created ctPREIMG or ctTRNLOG, it can be accessed in all transaction and non-transaction access modes.

Important Performance Considerations

When turning transaction processing off for a file, it is possible to take an even larger performance hit under specific FairCom Server configurations. Be sure to remove or comment out the line COMPATIBILITY FORCE_WRITETHRU from your FairCom Server configuration file ctsrvr.cfg. While this option provides only the safest of data integrity for your non-transaction processing controlled files, it forces an enormous performance penalty for doing so. This keyword has historically been included by default with most FairCom Server installations.


The following example demonstrates turning off transaction control for all c-tree data files and their associated index files in the rdsdb database:

# cttrnmod set N -d rdsdb

Setting transaction mode to NON_TRAN for files in database rdsdb...

Tranmode Filemode Filename

-------- -------- --------

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_deptbl.dat

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_deptbl.idx

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_dept_multi_ndx.idx

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_dept_ndx.idx

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl.dat

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl.idx

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emp_no_ndx.idx

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl1.dat

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl1.idx

NON-TRAN 0x0000 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emp_no_ndx1.idx

VERIFYING No Transaction Control...

VERIFY succeeded

3 Data Files Updated

0 Errors

The following example demonstrates reading the transaction status of the data and index files in the rdsdb database:

# cttrnmod get -d rdsdb

Reading transaction mode for files in database rdsdb...

Tranmode Filemode Filename

-------- -------- --------

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_deptbl.dat

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_deptbl.idx

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_dept_multi_ndx.idx

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_dept_ndx.idx

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl.dat

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl.idx

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emp_no_ndx.idx

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl1.dat

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emptbl1.idx

ctTRNLOG 0x0031 .\rdsdb.dbs\admin_emp_no_ndx1.idx

ctTRANMODE Control (FairCom Database Engine V11 and later)

When using the Transaction Control utility, cttrnmod, to disable transaction support on a file with extended file mode ctTRANMODE, the utility could report that after successfully disabling ctTRNLOG, the file still has ctTRNLOG set. This is expected for a file with the ctTRANMODE bit set when using a TRANPROC c-tree application.

cttrnmod has been updated to disable ctTRANMODE and ctPIMGMODE bits when it sets a file to no-transaction support. It was also modified to support explicitly enabling or disabling one of these bits (depending on the file mode that is in effect at the time).


New replication actions have been added to the cttrnmod utility for flexible control of replication attributes.

  • cttrnmod now displays replication state for a data file
  • cttrnmod can change a file's replication state with the repl option

Note: Replication requires that the data file has a unique index and that the data and index files are using full (ctTRNLOG) transaction control.


  1. Enable full transaction logging on files:

    # cttrnmod set T -f files.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

    Setting transaction mode to ctTRNLOG for files listed in file files.txt...

    Replicate Tranmode Filemode Filename

    --------- -------- -------- --------

    NO ctTRNLOG 0x0032 ctreeSQL.dbs\admin_t.dat

    ctTRNLOG 0x0032 ctreeSQL.dbs\admin_t.idx

    ctTRNLOG 0x0032 ctreeSQL.dbs\admin_t_ti.idx

    Note the "Replicate" column for current replication state information.

  2. Enable replication on files:

    # cttrnmod set repl=on -f files.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS

    Enabling replication for files listed in file files.txt...

    Replicate Tranmode Filemode Filename

    --------- -------- -------- --------

    YES ctTRNLOG 0x0032 ctreeSQL.dbs\admin_t.dat

    ctTRNLOG 0x8032 ctreeSQL.dbs\admin_t.idx

    ctTRNLOG 0x8032 ctreeSQL.dbs\admin_t_ti.idx

Note: If cttrnmod is used to disable full transaction logging for a file, it also disables replication for that file.
