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FairCom RTG Setup and InstallationFairCom RTG COBOL Directories

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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FairCom RTG COBOL Directories

A brief description of each of the FairCom RTG COBOL directories is given below:

Driver - The Driver directory contains drivers for COBOL and each of the supported SQL APIs as well as tutorials for stored procedures.

The 64-bit installation provides both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers: The ctree.cobol directory contains 64-bit drivers and the ctree.cobol.32bit directory contains 32-bit drivers, which are provided in case you need to run a legacy 32-bit application on a 64-bit system. The 32-bit installation omits the ctree.cobol.32bit directory and places the 32-bit drivers in the ctree.cobol directory.

  • ctree.callbacks
  • ctree.cobol (see "Inside the Driver/ctree.cobol Directory" below for more details)
  • ctree.cobol.32bit (see the note above)
  • ctree.common
  • ctree.cpp
  • ctree.ctdb
  • ctree.isam
  • (Windows only)
  • sql.hibernate
  • sql.jdbc
  • sql.odbc
  • sql.php
  • sql.php.pdo
  • sql.python
  • sql.sqlalchemy
  • sql.stored.procs

Server - The server directory contains the powerful FairCom DB SQL engine, already started as a service in most Microsoft Windows environments. You will find your data in this area when you begin using FairCom DB SQL. A single directory contains the entire FairCom DB SQL database. FairCom DB SQL is smaller than 10 megabytes yet rivals the performance of other database products hundreds of times its size!

SetUp - If you installed from the Windows Zip file, a folder called SetUp is created. It contains the configuration tool, FairComConfig.exe, which will help you configure the ODBC driver, the ADO.NET driver, and the FairCom DB Windows Service. If you installed using the Windows installation program (e.g., *.msi), the setup is done for you so this folder does not exist. Non-Windows packages do not include this folder.

Tools - This area contains a collection of sleek and modern FairCom DB tools. Two folders are provided. cmdline contains basic command line tools, for administrative tasks. A guitools folder contains the binaries for all of the FairCom DB tools installed and available from the Windows Start menu. The section titled FairCom DB Tools explains the graphical tools provided with FairCom RTG. These folders are provided:

  • cmdline – Contains basic command line tools, for administrative tasks.
  • gui – (Windows only) Contains .NET versions of the FairCom DB tools, which are available from the Windows Start menu.
  • – Contains cross-platform Java-based tools for configuring FairCom RTG and migrating your data.

Inside the Driver/ctree.cobol Directory

The Driver directory includes the ctree.cobol directory, which contains drivers and utilities for each COBOL compiler (on 64-bit systems, the ctree.cobol directory provides 64-bit drivers and ctree.cobol.32bit provides 32-bit drivers):

  • acucobol
    • ctreeacu.c – Required to support ACUCOBOL on Windows and Unix. See the FairCom RTG COBOL User's Guide for instructions about ACUCOBOL-GT setup.
    • ctutil.exe – A special version of ctutil is provided for each compiler.
  • extfh
    • CTEXTFH.dll – The FairCom RTG COBOL driver for the ExtFH supported compilers, which includes the Micro Focus compiler.
    • CTEXTFH.lib – The static link library version of the FairCom RTG COBOL driver for the ExtFH supported compilers. Most often, you will not need this library.
    • ctutil.exe – A special version of ctutil is provided for each compiler.
  • iscobol
    • ctree.dll – This is the FairCom RTG COBOL driver for the isCobol compiler developed by Veryant.
    • ctutil.exe – A special version of ctutil is provided for each compiler.
  • rm-cobol
    • ctutil.exe – A special version of ctutil is provided for each compiler.
    • mtclient.dll – This is the FairCom RTG COBOL driver for the RM/COBOL compiler.

Samples - The samples directory is located in:

<install directory>\<platform>\Driver\ctree.cobol\samples\

The samples directory includes conversion routines that can be integrated into your programs. These samples allow you to create additional functionality that is not required to implement FairCom RTG.

  • acucobol
    • cscopy.cbl – A sample COBOL program that provides a working example of using the COBOL C$COPY functionality for properly copying a FairCom RTG data file.
    • getinfo.cbl – A COBOL program that shows how to retrieve file information.
    • visionconvert
      • filesys.def – Contains variables and values for use with the ACUCOBOL file handler.
      • mig.cbl – An example of a COBOL program to migrate files from Vision to c-tree by reading from the Vision database and writing into the c-tree database.
      • readme.txt
    • XDDcheck
      • filesys.def – Contains variables and values for use with the ACUCOBOL file handler.
      • xddchk.cbl – A COBOL program that reads an XDD and validates it.
      • xdddef.def – Contains return codes and definitions used by xddchk.cbl.
  • extfh\mfconvert
    • mfconvert.cbl – A COBOL program to migrate files from the configured Micro Focus file system to c-tree by reading from the original file system and writing to c-tree.
    • xfhfcd.cpy – Contains variables for use with the Micro Focus ExtFH file handler.
  • iscobol
    • cobol-esql.cbl – This example shows how to use Veryant’s isCobol Embedded SQL API in your program. Note: This is not the FairCom Embedded SQL that is included with FairCom DB.

Tutorials - The FairCom DB tutorials are contained here. To ensure your FairCom RTG COBOL environment is correctly set up and working, a helpful COBOL example is provided in the tutorials directory under ctree.cobol.

  • Tutorial1
    • cobol_Tutorial1.cbl – This tutorial follows the standard "Init, Define, Manage, Done" format provided for all FairCom DB interfaces. You will not need to use these procedures to use FairCom RTG. Simply follow the procedures in the FairCom RTG User Guide to install, configure, and migrate into FairCom RTG.
    • custmast.xdd – This is a data definition file to be used with cobol_Tutorial1.cbl.
    • ctree.conf – This is a sample configuration file.
  • Sqlize
    • SQLIZEEXAMPLE.CBL – This tutorial guides you through the process of making your data ready for SQL access. This process, called "sqlizing," prepares your data for full read/write SQL access without affecting access from COBOL applications. This directory includes the supporting files used in this tutorial: CARDFILE.FD, CARDFILE.SL, rules.xml, and Tutorial.sql.

In This Chapter

The Samples Directory
