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FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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The cobol_tutorial1 sample program is a simple COBOL application which can be run with most COBOL engines. This tutorial will create a data table which is useful to verify if the file system is properly running.

Note: You do not need to use this tutorial to install or use FairCom RTG. It can be useful to verify the operation of the file system.

This tutorial is located in:


(where FairCom\Vx.x.x.RTG is the installation directory and win32 is the platform directory)

COBOL Tutorial #1: Introductory Exercise - Simple Single Table

This program performs the following steps:

Initialize() - Connects to the FairCom RTG database engine.

Define() - Defines and creates a "customer master" (custmast.dat) table/file.

Manage() - Adds a few rows/records; reads the rows/records back from the database; displays the column/field content; and finally deletes the rows/records.

Done() - Disconnects from the FairCom RTG database engine.

Note: The sections on compiling and running the tutorial are specific to ACUCOBOL and isCOBOL. If you are using a different COBOL compiler, you will need to change the commands accordingly.

In This Section

Compile cobol_Tutorial1 with ACUCOBOL

Compile cobol_Tutorial1 with isCOBOL

Run cobol_Tutorial1 with ACUBOBOL

Run cobol_Tutorial1 with isCOBOL

Open cobol_Tutorial1 data through SQL (optional)

cobol_Tutorial1 Source Code
