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FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Reset the unique file ID of a file that has been copied at the system level.


ctutil -fileid file

Best Practices for Copying c-tree Server Files

Note: Copying files is against FairCom’s recommended best practices. However, because copying files is fairly common in many industries, FairCom has the following provisions:

  1. ctutil -filecopy and -copy options - Use the ctutil -filecopy and -copy options to copy files.
  2. Restamp file ID after copying using the operating system - The ctutil -fileid option is for restamping the file ID after a file is copied using the operating system facilities.
    The ctfileid Update File ID utility performs this same function. It is located in tools\cmdline. See the Command-Line Tools documentation: ctfileid - Update File IDs.

if run against a server that does not support the ctUNIQIDhdr mode, ctutil fails with error message "Client/server incompatibility" and the following error message is logged: "ERROR 37:-4:0 server does not support fileid reset".

See also
