The FairCom RTG COBOL product contains a directory that includes sample programs described in this section. The samples directory is located in \Driver\ctree.cobol\samples\iscobol under the FairCom installation directory.
Accessing ESQL from isCOBOL
isCOBOL supports Embedded SQL (ESQL), which is an alternate way to access FairCom DB files. This is a product of isCobol and is not to be confused with the ESQL available from FairCom.
FairCom RTG COBOL contains a directory that includes the ESQL sample program described in this section. The samples directory is located in \Driver\ctree.cobol\samples\iscobol under the FairCom installation directory.
Compile cobol-esql with isCOBOL
To compile the cobol-esql.cbl program, start the isCOBOL compiler as follows.
iscc.exe –sp=C:\Program Files\Veryant\isCOBOL\sample\isdef cobol-esql.cbl
The –sp option instructs the isCOBOL compiler where to find the SQLCA copybook.
Run cobol-esql with isCOBOL
Before running the tutorial, either copy ctreeJDBC.jar to the isCOBOL lib directory or add ctreeJDBC.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
To run the cobol-esql program, start the isCOBOL runtime as follows:
iscrun.exe COBOL_ESQL