Product Documentation

Configuration File ElementsSettings Elements<log><debug>

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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The debug log option instructs the FairCom RTG to insert debug information in the log file.

Accepted Values





This value turns on the debug logging.

y, true, on, 1


This value turns on the debug logging.

n, false, off, 0

The debug log option also accepts the following Boolean (yes or no) sub-options to include or exclude certain types of debug information from the log file.

Children elements



Accepted Values


This value turns on logging of the result of function calls to set cluster options (such as ctSetClusterOption()). Also messages generated by c-tree internal clustering logic are logged and identified by a numeric opcode. This option is disabled by default.

yes and no


This value turns on configuration file debug logging. This option is disabled by default. This element also accepts an attribute named "full" that enables full configuration file debug logs. See the examples below to see how to use this attribute.

yes and no


This value turns on prefetch debug information logging. This option is disabled by default.

yes and no


This value turns on batch addition debug information logging. This option is disabled by default.



The value turns on the logging of information about the ExtFH switcher. The following is logged: the loading of the library and function, the number of redirected instances, if the switcher is active on open (i.e., when there is at least one redirect instance), and if the calls are redirected or sent to c-tree.

yes and no

<extfh fcd>

This attribute of <log><debug><extfh> indicates whether the FCD data structure should be dumped to the RTG log file. This option is disabled by default, meaning that only the EXTFH opcode is written to the RTG log file.

yes and no


This option logs file open/create events. An entry is logged when a file is created, opened, closed, renamed, or copied. The entry includes the file name and the assigned file number. Entries are also logged when a file rule is matched and when file mapping rules are used.

yes and no


This option disables generic debug log messages which are enabled by default when <log><debug> is not specifically set to no.

yes and no


This option logs all calls to TRANBEG, TRANEND, TRANABTX, and PUTHDR with parameter ctIICTbegin, ctIICTcommit, and ctIICTabort.

yes and no


This option logs all calls to the FairCom RTG switching logic, which is active when switching between c-tree and the native COBOL file handler.

yes and no


This option logs critical <startonread> events.

With <startonread> enabled, START always returns success; the next READ sequential performs the START and returns an error if START fails.

When enabled, this option logs: "previous START returned success due to <startonread> but should have returned error".

yes and no


Enable diagnostics messages about record/file locking. Disabled by default. When enabled it writes a DEBUG LOCK message in the log each time a lock request is performed.

yes and no


Enables debugging of sqlize specific messages.

yes and no


The following example enables the logging of debug information only:

<log file=mylog.txt>



The following example enables debug logging of configuration and explicitly disables the debug logging of prefetch and batch addition operations:

<log file=mylog.txt>


<config full="yes">yes</config>





The following example enables debug logging each time FairCom RTG switches between c-tree and the native COBOL file handler:





