Product Documentation

FairCom RTG COBOL Edition User's Guide

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The <extfhreindexoncreate> global configuration keyword is used to determine whether new indices created by the EXTFH Create Index operation (special opcode 07) are immediately populated with key values.

If yes, the Get Next Record (special opcode 08) and Add Key Value (special opcode 09) operations become obsolete, allowing for improved performance.

Accepted Values




New indices created by the EXTFH Create Index operation are populated with key values at index creation.

The Get Next Record operation will return an end-of-file error. The Add Key Value operation will return success. This value is the default.


New indices created by the EXTFH Create Index operation are populated with key values at index creation.

This value is not currently supported. The EXTFH Create Index, Get Next Record and Add Key Value operations will all return a not-supported error.
