Product Documentation

Data ConversionRTG Migrate

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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RTG Migrate

The RTG Migrate tool provides a graphical interface to help you migrate data into FairCom RTG applications by reading records from an external database and writing them to FairCom RTG files. This tool provides functionality similar to the command-line version, ctmigra.

The RTG Migrate tool, RTGMigrate.jar, is located in the Tools\\ directory. Use the RTGMigrate.bat batch file to run this utility.

Note: This utility requires a FairCom RTG DLL located in the driver directories (for example, Driver\ctree.cobol\extfh or Driver\ctree.btrv). If you know the path to this directory, you can add it to your PATH environment variable. On Windows platforms, the RTGMigrate.bat batch file correctly sets the path for you and runs the utility.

You will see four tabs in the RTG Migrate tool, which correspond to the four steps in migration:

  • One - Source Environment - Allows you to prepare for the migration.
  • Two - Source Files - Indicates the source of the data you will be migrating to FairCom RTG.
  • Three - Destination - Indicates the destination of the migrated data, which must be accessible to the FairCom RTG system.
  • Four - Migrate - Begins the migration process.

One - Source Environment

The first tab of the RTG Migrate tool (shown above) is where you prepare for the migration.

Migration Origin

  • Select original environment - Select ExtFH for Micro Focus and other COBOL compilers that use this file system or select PSQL / BTRV for Btrieve files. The Check Library button tests the presence of the native library to convert data from the original format to the FairCom RTG format.
  • Select the source base directory of the source files - Enter the directory that contains the source files or click the three dots to navigate to it.
  • Optional Btrieve owner name - If you are migrating from Btrieve files (PSQL / BTRV) to indicate the owner.

After entering the information in the fields, click the Next button to advance to the next tab.

Two - Source Files

Use this tab to select the data files to be migrated. The data will be read out of these files and copied to the destination you specify in the next tab. The original files will not be altered in the process.

Do not specify index files because they will be created as part of the migration.

The file system is shown in the tree view on the left. Click to the notes to expand them and click on the files to select the ones to be migrated.

File Filter

The field labeled File Filter allows you to specify a mask using wildcards. Click Apply to apply changes to the mask.

Click the Next button to advance to the next tab.

Three - Destination


  • Index Filename Extension - Enter the suffix of the destination index file name (default: .idx).
  • Index Filename Extension Mode - Select Append to if you want the extension entered to be appended to the file name or select Replace to have it replace an extension already in the file name.
  • Replace Existing Files - Select whether or not to overwrite existing files.
  • Destination Base Path - Enter the path to the destination root directory. Migrated files and directories will be placed under this directory on the destination host. This path can be relative to the FairCom RTG LOCAL_DIRECTORY or it can be an absolute path.
  • Encryption, Compression, Transaction - You can also set these parameters.

Resulting Directory

The Resulting Directory layout shows indexes with their names and it highlights conflicts.

FairCom RTG Server Connection Information

The destination server is the server to which the migrated files will be copied.

  • Server Name, User Name, Password - Enter the login information for the destination server.
  • Test Connection - The Test Connection button in the FairCom RTG RTG Migrate tool allows you to check the configuration by pinging the server.

    Note: If you see an error message "Could not find RTG library" it is because the proper driver directory (e.g., Driver\ctree.cobol\extfh or Driver\ctree.btrv) is not in the path. A batch file, RTGMigrate.bat, is provided so you run the utility without having to set the PATH environment variable in Windows environments.

Click the Next button to advance to the next tab.

Four - Migrate


  • Batch Size - Enter the number of records to read/write in batches. This setting may affect the speed of the conversion by grouping the records into batches that will be inserted into the database together. Increasing the size of the batches reduces the number of inserts and speeds performance, as long as system resources (e.g., memory) permit.
  • Log File - Enter the name of the file to log additional information. To redirect log to stderr, enter a dash ().
  • Script Name - If you want to create a script that can be run later, enter a file name for the script here and click the Create Script button.
  • Create Script - Click this button if you want to create a file containing a script that can be run later. The file name will be the name entered in Script Name. The script will contain the ctmigra command with the appropriate command-line parameters based on the options you have entered in this tool.
  • Configuration Filename - If you want to create a basic configuration file containing the information you have entered in this wizard, enter a file name in this field and click the Create Conf. File button. This file can be used by the ctmigra command-line utility.
  • Create Conf. File - Click this button if you want to create a basic configuration file containing the information you have entered in this wizard. The file name will be the name entered in Configuration Filename. This configuration file can be edited in the RTG Config tool if you need to further refine your configuration for your environment. It can be used by the ctmigra command-line utility.

Click Migrate to begin migration. Alternatively, you can use the Create Script button to create a script that can be used later with the ctmigra utility.

You can click Stop Migration at any time to halt the operation.
