This section is designed to get you up and running in a hurry.
The first steps establish FairCom RTG as your file handler. After completing these steps, your applications will have the benefits of performance and stability provided by FairCom RTG; the final step adds SQL access to your data:
FairCom RTG Setup and Installation
Data Conversion - How to migrate your data to FairCom RTG COBOL
FairCom RTG Configuration - How to use the FairCom RTG Configuration Tool to edit the ctree.conf config file
FairCom RTG SQL Access - (optional) How to add SQL access to your COBOL data
Reference material:
Configuration File Elements - Understanding the elements of the config file
XDD Schema Structure - Understanding the XDD XML file used to define indexes and various record schemas present in a data file
FairCom RTG Utilities - You will need these utilities, especially ctutil and xddgen
Sample Programs - A guide to the programs in the samples directory
Performance Tuning - How to fine-tune your system to get the best performance from FairCom RTG
ACUCOBOL API for SQL Conversion Error Checking - How to programmatically check if there will be any conversion errors accessing a table from SQL
FairCom RTG COBOL Directories - The files and folders in your FairCom RTG package
Logging, Error Codes, and Troubleshooting - error codes that are specific to FairCom RTG