Product Documentation

FairCom RTG Utilitiesctutil-load

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Imports data from a sequential file. The ctutil -load command reads a sequential file and writes the records in it to a c-tree file.


ctutil -load file_name seq_file [-b|t|p|r2] [-v[2|4|8][n|x]] [-n] [-r|-s] [-rs=recsiz]


  • file_name - File name without extension.
  • seq_file - Path to the source file.
  • -b - Indicates a binary sequential format is used.
  • -t - Indicates a line sequential format (records separated by new-line character).
  • -p - Indicates an ASCII file created by the BTRV BUTIL -save command.
  • -r2 - Specifies that the binary sequential input file was created with the Recover2 utility.
  • -v - Indicates variable-length format (record data is preceded by record length) and is optionally followed by a 2 or 4 or 8 that indicates the size of the record length field that precedes the record data and by a n or x to indicate if the record length is represented in native (n) or big-endian (x) format.
  • -n - "New file": any data in the destination file is eliminated before the records are loaded from the source file.
  • -r - Replace any existing record that returns 'duplicate key' error.
  • -s - Skip any existing record that returns 'duplicate key' error.
  • -rs=recsiz - Record size of the sequential file (required only if the record size of the destination file differs from that of the sequential file).

The command assumes that the record size of the sequential file is the same as the c-tree file. If they differ, the -rs option is used to specify the record size of the sequential file.

See Also:
