Product Documentation

FairCom RTG COBOL Edition User's Guide

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FairCom RTG Utilities

The FairCom RTG products provide several utilities that you will need. These utilities are located in the same directory as the sample programs.

Utilities for data migration:

  • ctmigra - Migrates data into FairCom RTG applications by reading records from an external database and writing them to FairCom RTG files. Located in tools\cmdline under your FairCom RTG installation directory.

    RTG Migrate, - This GUI-based migration utility can be found in tools/

Other common utilities are available for various FairCom RTG tasks are located in tools\cmdline under your FairCom RTG installation directory:

  • ctutil - A general purpose FairCom RTG file maintenance utility. Use ctutil to examine files, extract data records, change maximum record sizes, and rebuild corrupted indexes. Much of ctutil's functionality is comparable to Vision's vutil utility for a familiar feel, however, many additional FairCom RTG extensions and features have been added.

    A pre-configured version of ctutil is provided with each compiler FairCom RTG supports. They are found in Driver/ctree.cobol/<flavor> folder.

  • ctcbtran - When ctutil is renamed ctcbtran, it functions as an ad-hoc utility to turn on/off transaction processing. Review the ctutil -tron option for details.
  • xddgen - Generates FairCom RTG XDD files directly from COBOL source code. This feature is especially useful when native COBOL XFD files are not available, or you need advanced handling of COBOL table structures.

    Find xddgen in Tools\cmdline\XDDGEN of your FairCom RTG installation.

  • cttrnmod (cttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility, /doc/ctreeplus/cttrnmod-ChangeTransactionModeUtility.htm) - Allows an advanced user to change transaction status of a FairCom DB data file and its associated index files.

    cttrnmod can be found in the \Tools\cmdline of your FairCom RTG installation.

  • ctfileid (ctfileid - Update File IDs, ctfileid - Update File IDs) - Provides a convenient and safe way to update the fileid parameter of the file header.

FairCom RTG also includes a set of graphical utilities, such as the migration and configuration tools described elsewhere in this book. For descriptions of the other graphical utilities, see the help files included with the tools or FairCom GUI Tools on the website.

More Command-Line Utilities

FairCom RTG includes a large set of command-line utilities in the tools\cmdline directory of your FairCom RTG installation. For complete descriptions of these utilities, see the Command-Line Tools book on the FairCom website.

  • ctadmn - Server Administrator Utility used by the Server Administrator to manage users, groups, and files.
  • ctclntrn - Clean Transaction Mark “cleans” the high-water transactions marks within a FairCom DB index.
  • ctdump - Dynamic Dump Utility provides an administrator a safe, secure method of backing up data while FairCom DB is operational.
  • ctfdmp - Forward Dump Utility to restore data to a given time following a ctrdmp restore.
  • ctfilblkif - Block or unblock a specified FairCom DB file.
  • ctfileid - Update File ID utility provides a convenient and safe way to update the fileid parameter of the file header.
  • ctflvrfy - Index Verify utility allows the user to verify an index and, optionally, inspect it at a low-level.
  • cthghtrn - Displays the high-water mark for transactions.
  • ctidmp - Examine Dump Files lists the contents of a dynamic dump file or a specific extent of a dump broken into multiple files.
  • ctldmp - Transaction Log Dump performs a partial dump of the transaction logs to assist the developer in problem resolution.
  • ctmigra - A data migration utility for converting non-c-tree data for use with FairCom RTG. Described in the FairCom RTG User Guide.
  • ctpass - Password Utility to allow users to change their password.
  • ctquiet - Quiesce FairCom DB Utility allows an administrator to quiet the server from a script.
  • ctrdmp - Forward Dump Utility to restore data to a given time following a ctrdmp restore.
  • ctsqlcdb - FairCom DB SQL Database Maintenance Utility.
  • ctsqlutl - FairCom DB SQL Maintenance Utility to perform maintenance on the FairCom DB SQL Server.
  • ctstat - Statistics Monitoring Utility to display statistics and provide real-time monitoring of critical FairCom DB operations.
  • ctstop - Server Stop Utility to shut down FairCom Server.
  • ctsysm - Server Status Monitoring Utility monitors error, warning, and informational messages logged to the server status log.
  • cttpca and ct_tpc - COBOL Only: Programs for benchmarking computer systems with the TPC A test using the FairCom DB ISAM, c-treeDB (CTDB), and ODBC APIs. When included with FairCom RTG BTRV Edition, these utilities support the FairCom DB BTRV interface as a fourth API.
  • cttrap - Communications Trap Playback utility "plays back" a TRAP_COMM log file.
  • cttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility allows an advanced user to change the transaction status of a FairCom DB data file and its associated index files.
  • ctunf1 - File Reformatting Utility reformats a file IN PLACE provided the new alignment restriction does not cause the data record contents to become misaligned.
  • ctvfyfil - File Verify Utility
  • ctvfyidx - Index Verify Utility checks the integrity of an index file.
  • dbdeploy - Utility to deploy stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers.
  • dbdump - Data Unload Utility writes the data in a database to a file.
  • dbload - Data Load Utility loads records from an input data file into tables of a database.
  • dbschema - Schema Export Utility generates FairCom DB SQL statements to recreate the specified database elements and data.
  • isql - Interactive SQL utility provides an industry-standard "command processing" interface to the FairCom DB SQL Database Engine.
  • sa_admin - Command-line security administration utility.

In This Chapter



ctclosefile - Close Open Memory and ctKEEPOPEN files

ctclntrn and cthghtrn - Manage Transaction Mark Numbers

ctcmpcif - IFIL-based Compact Utility Included

ctfileid - Update File IDs

ctfixdupscan - Detect and Fix Files that Suffer from File Definition Errors

ctstat - Display Log Save Time Delta Values

cttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility

ct_tpc and cttpca TPC A Test

startserver and stopserver Scripts

Additional FairCom RTG Command-Line Tools
