This ctutil option verifies that the data is correct in sqlized tables. The -sqlcheck option is used to verify that data in a file is compatible with SQL definitions. The command scans all records of the given file using the primary key index and stops at the first conversion error encountered showing an error message, the record number, schema and field name of the incorrect data.
ctutil -sqlcheck file xdd_file [-conv=convention_ID] [-show=show_type]
The -sqlcheck option checks SQL definitions against data in a file. Valid parameters are:
all - show all errors in the table
first - show the first error in the table
firstrec - show all errors in the first problematic record in the table
The usage and output of the command is as follows:
C:\>ctutil -sqlcheck filecompa filecompa.xdd -conv=A
ctutil Version
Initialized from (ctree.conf)
Checking filecompa...
ascii value is not a digit. Record#: 8 Schema#: 0 Field: NS
Operation completed successfully.
This example reveals numeric sign issues
>ctutil -sqlcheck CUSTOMER.DAT CUSTOMER.xdd -show=all
Version - ACUCOBOL Edition
Initialized from 'ctree.conf'
Checking CUSTOMER.DAT...
Record#: 0000002 Schema#: 005 Field: keycharcnt Error: unexpected value for sign [8c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000002 Schema#: 005 Field: elecharcnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000002 Schema#: 005 Field: maxelecnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000008 Schema#: 005 Field: keycharcnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000008 Schema#: 005 Field: elecharcnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000008 Schema#: 005 Field: maxelecnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000019 Schema#: 005 Field: keycharcnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000019 Schema#: 005 Field: elecharcnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Record#: 0000019 Schema#: 005 Field: maxelecnt Error: unexpected value for sign [0c] valid values [0d|0f] (last nibble only)
Operation completed successfully.