Product Documentation

Configuration File ElementsSettings Elements<memoryfile>

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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The memoryfile option indicates whether to create files in memory rather than on disk. This feature is indicated for temporary files. This feature is off by default.

The synonym <memfile> can be used for the <memoryfile> option.

Accepted Values





Create file as memory file.

y, true, on, 1


Create file as disk file. This is the default value.

n, false, off, 0






Allows the memory file to be available for multiple sessions to multiple applications while the FairCom RTG server is active (unless explicitly deleted). See <memoryfile persist> Attribute below.


FairCom RTG memory files default to a maximum size of 4Gb. The KEEPOPEN attribute is automatically applied.

Note: The bulkaddition option (available in FairCom RTG COBOL only) should not be used with the memoryfile option (because doing so would cause the indexes to be created on disk).

Note: The memoryfile option and the <transaction logging="yes"> option are mutually exclusive.

<memoryfile persist> Attribute

Once created, memory files are available until they are either removed or until the FairCom RTG server is shut down. This allows the memory file to be available for multiple sessions to multiple applications while the FairCom RTG server is active.

Typically the deletion of the memory file is performed by the application that created it as it has knowledge of its existence. However, if the application disconnects from the FairCom RTG server in a non-controlled way (i.e., crash), the memory file remains available to other applications which might not know of its existence and therefore will not be able to delete it. Overall, this may cause an accumulation of orphan memory files and an exhaustion of memory.

The <memoryfile persist> configuration attribute specifies if the memory file being created will be available while the FairCom RTG server is active or if it is automatically removed when the application that created it disconnects from the FairCom RTG server (either in a controlled way or as a result of a crash).

<memoryfile persist="yes"> - Once created, the memory file is available until the FairCom RTG server is shut down or until any application manually deletes it.

<memoryfile persist="no"> - The memory file is available until the application that created it disconnects from the FairCom RTG server.



See Also
