A |
Activating FairCom DB API Unicode support |
Active Property |
Add, edit or delete indexes |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding an existing Database |
Adding an existing table |
Adding an existing table under transaction control |
Adding an index to a table |
Adding new records |
Adding New Resources |
Adding or deleting indexes |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
Allocating and Freeing Memory Inside Callbacks |
Alter the table |
Altering a table |
Altering a table |
Working with Tables |
Atomicity |
Attach and Detach Existing Sessions |
Attach and Detach Open Tables |
Automatic |
conversion |
recovery |
Automatic data type conversion |
Automatic Recovery |
Automatic Type Promotion |
B |
Base class |
Batch Modes |
Batches with FairCom DB API |
Bigint |
class |
data types |
Blob class |
Building a target key |
BuildKey |
C |
Callback Function Type |
Callback Handle Parameters |
Callback Return Codes |
Callback Types |
Callback Function Type |
Callback Types |
Changing default properties |
Check if a record is locked |
Check if field is fixed or variable length |
Class |
CTBase |
CTBigint |
CTBlob |
CTCurrency |
CTDatabase |
CTDate |
CTDatetime |
CTException |
CTField |
CTIndex |
CTMoney |
CTNumber |
CTRecord |
CTSegment |
CTSession |
CTString |
CTTable |
CTTime |
class CTBase |
class CTBigint |
class CTBlob |
class CTCurrency |
class CTDatabase |
class CTDate |
class CTDateTime |
class CTException |
class CTField |
class CTFullTextIndex |
class CTFullTextIndexDictionary |
class CTIndex |
class CTMoney |
class CTNumber |
class CTRecord |
class CTResource |
class CTSegment |
class CTSession |
class CTString |
class CTTable |
class CTTime |
Clearing a field |
Clearing the record buffer |
Closing a table |
Common Functionality |
Compatibility |
field mapping |
with c-tree Plus ISAM |
with c-treeSQL |
with low-level data files |
Compatibility with FairCom DB ISAM and Low-Level Data Files |
Compatibility with FairCom DB SQL |
Compatibility with other c-tree API Technologies |
Compatibility with other c-tree API Technologies |
CTDatabase::AddTable |
Conditional Expression Callback Function |
Conditional Expression Callback Function |
FairCom DB Expression Parser and Grammar |
Connecting to a database |
Constants |
Constructing Resource Objects |
Converting from Unicode UTF-16 to UTF-8 |
Copyright Notice |
Creating a Database object |
Creating a new Database |
Creating a New Session Dictionary |
Creating a New Table |
Creating a record object |
Creating a record set |
Creating a Session Object |
Creating a Table object |
Creating a Table object |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
Creating a table object without database support |
Creating a table under transaction control |
Creating Key Segments based on Unicode Fields |
Creating tables for transaction processing |
Creating Tables with Unicode Field types |
Creating the table |
CTBase Class |
CTBase Methods |
CTBase Public Members |
CTBase::~CTBase |
CTBase::Abort |
CTBase::Begin |
CTBase::ClearError |
CTBase::Commit |
CTBase::CTBase |
CTBase::GetAutoCommit |
CTBase::GetDefDateType |
CTBase::GetDefFloatFormat |
CTBase::GetDefTimeType |
CTBase::GetError |
CTBase::GetHandle |
CTBase::GetHandleId |
CTBase::GetKeepLock |
CTBase::GetLockMode |
CTBase::GetOperation |
CTBase::GetSystemConfig |
CTBase::GetTransactionMode |
CTBase::GetUserTag |
CTBase::IsLockActive |
CTBase::IsTransActive |
CTBase::Lock |
CTBase::RestoreSavePoint |
CTBase::SetAutoCommit |
CTBase::SetDefDateType |
CTBase::SetDefFloatFormat |
CTBase::SetDefTimeType |
CTBase::SetError |
CTBase::SetHandle |
CTBase::SetKeepLock |
CTBase::SetOperation |
CTBase::SetSavePoint |
CTBase::SetTransactionMode |
CTBase::SetUserTag |
CTBase::SwitchInstance |
CTBase::Unlock |
CTBigint Class |
CTBigint Methods |
CTBigint Operators |
CTBigint::~CTBigint |
CTBigint::AsBigint |
CTBigint::AsFloat |
CTBigint::AsLong |
CTBigint::AsMoney |
CTBigint::AsString |
CTBigint::CTBigint |
CTBigint::IsZero |
CTBigint::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTBigint::operator = |
CTBigint::SetBigint |
CTBigint::Zero |
CTBlob Class |
CTBlob Methods |
CTBlob Operators |
CTBlob::~CTBlob |
CTBlob::AsString |
CTBlob::CTBlob |
CTBlob::Get |
CTBlob::GetBlob |
CTBlob::GetSize |
CTBlob::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTBlob::operator = |
CTBlob::Resize |
CTBlob::SetBlob |
CTBlob::UpdateBlob |
CTCurrency Class |
CTCurrency Methods |
CTCurrency Operators |
CTCurrency::~CTCurrency |
CTCurrency::AsBigint |
CTCurrency::AsCurrency |
CTCurrency::AsFloat |
CTCurrency::AsLong |
CTCurrency::AsMoney |
CTCurrency::AsString |
CTCurrency::CTCurrency |
CTCurrency::IsZero |
CTCurrency::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTCurrency::operator =, +=, -=, *=, /=, abs, +, -, *, / |
CTCurrency::Round |
CTCurrency::SetCurrency |
CTCurrency::StringToCurrency |
CTCurrency::Zero |
CTDatabase Class |
CTDatabase Methods |
CTDatabase::~CTDatabase |
CTDatabase::AddTable |
CTDatabase::CloseAll |
CTDatabase::Connect |
CTDatabase::Create |
CTDatabase::CTDatabase |
CTDatabase::DeleteTable |
CTDatabase::Disconnect |
CTDatabase::DropTable |
CTDatabase::FindActive |
CTDatabase::FindTable |
CTDatabase::FirstTable |
CTDatabase::GetFirstActive |
CTDatabase::GetName |
CTDatabase::GetNextActive |
CTDatabase::GetPath |
CTDatabase::GetTableCount |
CTDatabase::GetTableUID |
CTDatabase::IsActive |
CTDatabase::IsExclusive |
CTDatabase::NextTable |
CTDatabase::RenameTable |
CTDatabase::SetExclusive |
CTDate Class |
CTDate Methods |
CTDate Operators |
CTDate::~CTDate |
CTDate::CTDate |
CTDate::CurrentDate |
CTDate::DateToString |
CTDate::Day |
CTDate::DayOfWeek |
CTDate::GetDate |
CTDate::IsLeapYear |
CTDate::Month |
CTDate::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTDate::operator = |
CTDate::Pack |
CTDate::SetDate |
CTDate::StringToDate |
CTDate::Unpack |
CTDate::Year |
CTDateTime Class |
CTDateTime Methods |
CTDateTime Operators |
CTDateTime::~CTDateTime |
CTDateTime::CTDateTime |
CTDateTime::CurrentDate |
CTDateTime::CurrentDateTime |
CTDateTime::DateTimeToString |
CTDateTime::Day |
CTDateTime::DayOfWeek |
CTDateTime::GetDate |
CTDateTime::GetDateTime |
CTDateTime::GetTime |
CTDateTime::Hour |
CTDateTime::IsLeapYear |
CTDateTime::Minute |
CTDateTime::Month |
CTDateTime::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTDateTime::operator = |
CTDateTime::Pack |
CTDateTime::Second |
CTDateTime::SetDateTime |
CTDateTime::StringToDateTime |
CTDateTime::Unpack |
CTDateTime::Year |
CTDB API for C++ - Developers Guide |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Sessions |
Sessions |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
ctdbClearAllCallback |
ctdbClearCallback |
ctdbConnect |
ctdbGetCallback |
ctdbGetRebuildProgress |
ctdbLogon |
ctdbOpenTable |
ctdbsdk.h and c-treeDB return codes |
ctdbSetCallback |
CTException Class |
CTException Methods |
CTException::~CTException |
CTException::CTException |
CTException::GetErrorCode |
CTException::GetErrorMsg |
CTException::GetLineNumber |
CTException::GetSourceFile |
CTField Class |
CTField Methods |
CTField Operators |
CTField::~CTField |
CTField::ClearFieldDefaultValue |
CTField::CTField |
CTField::GetBinaryFlag |
CTField::GetBinaryFlag |
CTField::SetBinaryFlag |
CTField::GetFieldDefaultDateType |
CTField::GetFieldDefaultTimeType |
CTField::GetFieldDefaultValue |
CTField::GetLength |
CTField::GetName |
CTField::GetNullFlag |
CTField::GetNumber |
CTField::GetPrecision |
CTField::GetScale |
CTField::GetStatus |
CTField::GetType |
CTField::IsFieldDefaultValueSet |
CTField::IsNumeric |
CTField::operator= |
CTField::SetBinaryFlag |
CTField::GetBinaryFlag |
CTField::SetBinaryFlag |
CTField::SetFieldDefaultDateTimeType |
CTField::SetFieldDefaultValue |
CTField::SetLength |
CTField::SetName |
CTField::SetNullFlag |
CTField::SetPrecision |
CTField::SetScale |
CTField::SetType |
CTFullTextIndex Class |
CTFullTextIndex Methods |
CTFullTextIndex::AddField |
CTFullTextIndex::GetField |
CTFullTextIndex::GetFieldCount |
CTFullTextIndex::GetFieldMode |
CTFullTextIndex::GetName |
CTFullTextIndex::GetNumber |
CTFullTextIndex::GetStatus |
CTFullTextIndex::SetOption |
CTFullTextIndexDictionary Class |
CTFullTextIndexDictionary Methods |
CTFullTextIndexDictionary::SetOption |
CTIndex |
SetKeyType |
CTIndex Class |
CTIndex Methods |
CTIndex Operators |
CTIndex::~CTIndex |
CTIndex::AddSegment |
CTIndex::CTIndex |
CTIndex::DelSegment |
CTIndex::GetDuplicateFlag |
CTIndex::GetEmptyChar |
CTIndex::GetIdxno |
CTIndex::GetIndexFileName |
CTIndex::GetIndexKSeg |
CTIndex::GetKeyLength |
CTIndex::GetKeyType |
CTIndex::GetName |
CTIndex::GetNullFlag |
CTIndex::GetNumber |
CTIndex::GetSegment |
CTIndex::GetSegmentCount |
CTIndex::GetStatus |
CTIndex::GetTemporaryFlag |
CTIndex::GetUID |
CTIndex::InsertSegment |
CTIndex::MoveSegment |
CTIndex::operator= |
CTIndex::SetDuplicateFlag |
CTIndex::SetEmptyChar |
CTIndex::SetIndexFileName |
CTIndex::SetIndexKSeg |
CTIndex::SetKeyType |
CTIndex::SetNullFlag |
CTIndex::SetTemporaryFlag |
CTMoney Class |
CTMoney Methods |
CTMoney Operators |
CTMoney::~CTMoney |
CTMoney::AsFloat |
CTMoney::AsLong |
CTMoney::AsMoney |
CTMoney::AsString |
CTMoney::CTMoney |
CTMoney::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTMoney::operator =, +=, -=, *=, /=, abs, +, -, *, / |
CTMoney::SetInt |
CTMoney::SetMoney |
CTMoney::StringToMoney |
CTNumber Class |
CTNumber Methods |
CTNumber Operators |
CTNumber::~CTNumber |
CTNumber::AsBigint |
CTNumber::AsCurrency |
CTNumber::AsFloat |
CTNumber::AsLong |
CTNumber::AsMoney |
CTNumber::AsNumber |
CTNumber::AsString |
CTNumber::CTNumber |
CTNumber::DecimalDigits |
CTNumber::IntegralDigits |
CTNumber::IsZero |
CTNumber::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTNumber::operator =, +, -, (, /, abs |
CTNumber::Round |
CTNumber::SetNumber |
CTNumber::Zero |
CTRecord |
AtPercentile |
EstimateSpan |
RangeOff |
RangeOn |
SwitchContext |
CTRecord Class |
CTRecord Methods |
CTRecord::~CTRecord |
CTRecord::AtPercentile |
CTRecord::BatchLoaded |
CTRecord::BatchLocked |
CTRecord::BatchMode |
CTRecord::BatchTotal |
CTRecord::BuildTargetKey |
CTRecord::Clear |
CTRecord::ClearField |
CTRecord::CTRecord |
CTRecord::Delete |
CTRecord::EndBatch |
CTRecord::EstimateSpan |
CTRecord::Find |
CTRecord::FindRowid |
CTRecord::FindTarget |
CTRecord::First |
CTRecord::FullTextSearchOff |
CTRecord::FullTextSearchOn |
CTRecord::GetDefaultIndex |
CTRecord::GetDefaultIndexName |
CTRecord::GetErrorIndex |
CTRecord::GetFieldAddress |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsBigint |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsBlob |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsBool |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsBytes |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsCurrency |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsDate |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsDateTime |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsFloat |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsMoney |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsNumber |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsShort |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsSigned |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsString |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsString |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsString |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsTime |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsUnsigned |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsUTF16 |
CTRecord::GetFieldAsWord |
CTRecord::GetFieldByName |
CTRecord::GetFieldLength |
CTRecord::GetFieldName |
CTRecord::GetFieldOffset |
CTRecord::GetFieldSize |
CTRecord::GetFieldType |
CTRecord::GetFilter |
CTRecord::GetFullTextSearchErrorDetails |
CTRecord::GetRecordBuffer |
CTRecord::GetRecordCount |
CTRecord::GetRecordKeyPos |
CTRecord::GetRecordLength |
CTRecord::GetRecordPos |
CTRecord::GetRecordSize |
CTRecord::GetRowid |
CTRecord::InsertBatch |
CTRecord::IsBatchActive |
CTRecord::IsEdited |
CTRecord::IsFiltered |
CTRecord::IsFullTextSearchOn |
CTRecord::IsNew |
CTRecord::IsNullField |
CTRecord::IsRangeOn |
CTRecord::IsRecordSetOn |
CTRecord::IsVariableField |
CTRecord::Last |
CTRecord::LockRecord |
CTRecord::Next |
CTRecord::NextBatch |
CTRecord::NextInBatch |
CTRecord::NumberOfKeyEntries |
CTRecord::Prev |
CTRecord::RangeOff |
CTRecord::RangeOn |
CTRecord::Read |
CTRecord::RecordSetOff |
CTRecord::RecordSetOn |
CTRecord::Reset |
CTRecord::SeekRecord |
CTRecord::SetBatch |
CTRecord::SetDefaultFullTextIndex |
CTRecord::SetDefaultIndex |
CTRecord::SetEdited |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsBigint |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsBlob |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsBool |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsByte |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsChar |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsCurrency |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsDate |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsDateTime |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsFloat |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsMoney |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsNumber |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsShort |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsSigned |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsString |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsTime |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsUnsigned |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsUTF16 |
CTRecord::SetFieldAsWord |
CTRecord::SetFilter |
CTRecord::SetNew |
CTRecord::SetRecordOffset |
CTRecord::SetRecordPos |
CTRecord::SwitchContext |
CTRecord::UnlockRecord |
CTRecord::Write |
c-treeDB |
callbacks |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Records |
Sessions |
Sessions |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
Tables |
memory allocation concerns |
functions |
ctdbSetFieldAsUTF16 |
SetTableKSeg |
Unicode |
ctdbUNICODE support |
Unicode support |
Writing UTF-16 Field Data |
c-treeDB API Definitions |
CTBase::Lock |
CTIndex::AddSegment |
CTIndex::InsertSegment |
c-treeDB API Definitions |
CTResource Class |
CTResource Methods |
CTResource::Add |
CTResource::CTResource |
CTResource::Delete |
CTResource::Find |
CTResource::First |
CTResource::GetData |
CTResource::GetDataLength |
CTResource::GetName |
CTResource::GetNumber |
CTResource::GetType |
CTResource::IsLocked |
CTResource::Next |
CTResource::SetData |
CTResource::SetName |
CTResource::SetNumber |
CTResource::SetType |
CTResource::Unlock |
CTResource::Update |
CTSegment Class |
CTSegment Methods |
CTSegment Operators |
CTSegment::~CTSegment |
CTSegment::CTSegment |
CTSegment::GetField |
CTSegment::GetFieldName |
CTSegment::GetMode |
CTSegment::GetNumber |
CTSegment::GetPartialField |
CTSegment::GetPartialFieldName |
CTSegment::GetSegmentKSeg |
CTSegment::GetStatus |
CTSegment::MoveSegment |
CTSegment::operator= |
CTSegment::SetKSegDefaults |
CTSegment::SetMode |
CTSegment::SetSegmentKSeg |
CTSession |
GetLibType |
GetPathPrefix |
CTSession Class |
CTSession Methods |
CTSession::~CTSession |
CTSession::AddDatabase |
CTSession::Attach |
CTSession::BeginImpersonation |
CTSession::Create |
CTSession::CreateDatabase |
CTSession::CTSession |
CTSession::DeleteDatabase |
CTSession::Detach |
CTSession::DisconnectAll |
CTSession::DropDatabase |
CTSession::EndImpersonation |
CTSession::FindActive |
CTSession::FindDatabase |
CTSession::FirstDatabase |
CTSession::GetAttachMode |
CTSession::GetDatabaseCount |
CTSession::GetDatabaseUID |
CTSession::GetDatabaseUID |
Database UID (Unique IDentifier) |
CTSession::GetFirstActive |
CTSession::GetLibType |
CTSession::GetLogonOnly |
CTSession::GetNextActive |
CTSession::GetParam |
CTSession::GetPath |
CTSession::GetPathPrefix |
CTSession::GetServerName |
CTSession::IsActive |
CTSession::IsExclusive |
CTSession::Logon |
CTSession::Logout |
CTSession::NextDatabase |
CTSession::SetConfigurationFile |
CTSession::SetCurrentNodeName |
CTSession::SetExclusive |
CTSession::SetLogonOnly |
CTSession::SetParam |
CTSession::SetPath |
CTSession::SetPathPrefix |
CTSession::StartDatabaseEngine |
CTSession::StopDatabaseEngine |
CTString Class |
CTString Methods |
CTString Operators |
CTString::~CTString |
CTString::c_str |
CTString::Compare |
CTString::CompareIC |
CTString::CTString |
CTString::Delete |
CTString::Empty |
CTString::Insert |
CTString::IntToHex |
CTString::IsDelimiter |
CTString::IsEmpty |
CTString::IsPathDelimiter |
CTString::LastChar |
CTString::LastDelimiter |
CTString::Left |
CTString::Length |
CTString::LowerCase |
CTString::operator =, +, += |
CTString::operator[ ] |
CTString::operator<, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTString::PadLeft |
CTString::PadRight |
CTString::Pos |
CTString::Right |
CTString::SetLength |
CTString::StringOfChar |
CTString::SubString |
CTString::ToDouble |
CTString::ToInt |
CTString::Trim |
CTString::TrimLeft |
CTString::TrimRight |
CTString::UpperCase |
CTTable |
Remove |
CTTable Class |
CTTable Methods |
CTTable::~CTTable |
CTTable::AddField |
CTTable::AddField (by field object) - FTS |
CTTable::AddField (by name) - FTS |
CTTable::AddField (by number) - FTS |
CTTable::AddFullTextIndex |
CTTable::AddIndex |
CTTable::AddSegment |
CTTable::Alter |
CTTable::Attach |
CTTable::AttachXtd |
CTTable::ClearAllFieldDefaultValue |
CTTable::Clone |
CTTable::Close |
CTTable::Create |
CTTable::CTTable |
CTTable::DelField |
CTTable::DelFullTextIndex (by index name) |
CTTable::DelFullTextIndex (by index number) |
CTTable::DelIndex |
CTTable::DelSegment |
CTTable::Detach |
CTTable::FilterRecord |
CTTable::GetCndxIndex |
CTTable::GetCndxIndexByName |
CTTable::GetCndxIndexLength |
CTTable::GetCndxIndexLengthByName |
CTTable::GetCreateMode |
CTTable::GetDataDefaultExtentSize |
CTTable::GetDataExtension |
CTTable::GetDatno |
CTTable::GetField |
CTTable::GetFieldCount |
CTTable::GetFieldNumber |
CTTable::GetFilter |
CTTable::GetFirstPartition |
CTTable::GetFullTextIndex (by index name) |
CTTable::GetFullTextIndex (by index number) |
CTTable::GetFullTextIndexCount |
CTTable::GetGroupid |
CTTable::GetIdxno |
CTTable::GetIndex |
CTTable::GetIndexByUID |
CTTable::GetIndexCount |
CTTable::GetIndexDefaultExtentSize |
CTTable::GetIndexExtension |
CTTable::GetIndexFileName |
CTTable::GetLastPartition |
CTTable::GetName |
CTTable::GetOpenMode |
CTTable::GetOwner |
CTTable::GetPadChar |
CTTable::GetPartitionIndexNbr |
CTTable::GetPassword |
CTTable::GetPath |
CTTable::GetPermission |
CTTable::GetSegment |
CTTable::GetStatus |
CTTable::GetTableKSeg |
CTTable::HasDelField |
CTTable::HasLocks |
CTTable::HasNullFieldSupport |
CTTable::HasRecbyt |
CTTable::HasRowid |
CTTable::InsertField |
CTTable::InsertSegment |
CTTable::IsActive |
CTTable::IsFilteredRecord |
CTTable::MoveField |
CTTable::MoveSegment |
CTTable::Open |
CTTable::PartAdminByKey |
CTTable::PartAdminByName |
CTTable::PartAdminByNumber |
CTTable::Rebuild |
CTTable::Remove |
CTTable::ResetAll |
CTTable::SetDataDefaultExtentSize |
CTTable::SetDataExtension |
CTTable::SetFullTextIndexOption (by index object) |
CTTable::SetFullTextIndexOption (by name) |
CTTable::SetFullTextIndexOption (by number) |
CTTable::SetGroupid |
CTTable::SetIndexDefaultExtentSize |
CTTable::SetIndexExtension |
CTTable::SetIndexFileName |
CTTable::SetOwner |
CTTable::SetPadChar |
CTTable::SetPartitionIndexNbr |
CTTable::SetPartitionMaximumActive |
CTTable::SetPartitionNumberBits |
CTTable::SetPartitionRule |
CTTable::SetPassword |
CTTable::SetPath |
CTTable::SetPermission |
CTTable::SetTableKSeg |
CTTable::SystemFilterOff |
CTTable::SystemFilterOn |
CTTable::Truncate |
CTTable::UnlockTable |
CTTable::UpdateCreateMode |
CTTable::UpdatePadChar |
CTTime Class |
CTTime Methods |
CTTime Operators |
CTTime::~CTTime |
CTTime::CTTime |
CTTime::CurrentTime |
CTTime::GetTime |
CTTime::Hour |
CTTime::Minute |
CTTime::operator <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
CTTime::operator = |
CTTime::Pack |
CTTime::Second |
CTTime::SetTime |
CTTime::StringToTime |
CTTime::TimeToString |
CTTime::Unpack |
Currency |
class |
data types |
Custom Application Expressions |
D |
Data |
conversion |
file compatibility |
Data file extent size |
Data integrity |
atomicity |
automatic recovery |
create table for transaction processing |
Data Integrity |
locking |
save points |
start transaction |
terminate transaction |
Transactions |
Data types |
bigint |
CTBase::GetDefDateType |
CTBase::GetDefTimeType |
CTBase::SetDefDateType |
CTBase::SetDefTimeType |
CTDate::StringToDate |
CTDateTime::DateTimeToString |
CTDateTime::StringToDateTime |
CTTime::StringToTime |
CTTime::TimeToString |
currency |
Data Types |
date |
date/time |
money |
number |
numeric |
scalar |
Scalar Types |
time |
timestamp |
Database Dictionary |
Database name |
Database path |
Database properties |
Database UID (Unique IDentifier) |
Databases |
add existing |
add table under transaction control |
add tables |
class |
connect |
create new |
create object |
Databases |
delete |
delete table |
delete table under transaction control |
dictionary |
drop |
drop table |
drop table under transaction control |
find |
find active |
find active by UID |
find active table |
find active table by UID |
find by UID |
find table |
find table by UID |
first |
first active |
first active table |
first table |
First Table |
Next Table |
manage |
managing tables |
name |
next |
next active |
next active table |
path |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
properties |
table count |
table UID |
working with |
Date |
class |
data types |
default format |
formats |
Date Types |
Date/Time |
class |
data type |
Date/Time (Timestamp) Types |
Default Date, Time and Float formats |
Default Values |
Definitions |
field types |
find modes |
key types |
record lock modes |
segment modes |
session wide lock modes |
table create modes |
table open modes |
table permission |
Deleting a Database |
Deleting a group of records |
Deleting a table |
Deleting a table under transaction control |
Deleting an index from a table |
Deleting records |
Deleting Resources |
Demoting record locks |
Dropping a Database |
Dropping a table |
Dropping a table under transaction control |
E |
Edited record flag |
Error Handling |
Errors |
c-treeDB |
handling |
Evaluating Expressions |
Exception class |
Extended Key Segment Definition |
Extended Key Segment Definition |
Specifying a Unicode Key Segment with CTSEG_UNCSEG |
Extended Key Segment Structure |
F |
FairCom DB API C++ API - Working with Resources |
FairCom DB API C++ API Class Reference |
FairCom DB API C++ API Example |
FairCom DB API C++ API Methods |
FairCom DB API C++ API UTF-8 Compliance |
FairCom DB API Error and Return Values |
FairCom DB API Support for Unicode |
FairCom DB API, ISAM, and Low-Level Integration |
FairCom DB Error Code Reference |
FairCom DB Expression Parser and Grammar |
FairCom DB Unicode UTF-16 Field Types |
FairCom Typographical Conventions |
Field actual length |
Field address in record buffer |
Field defined size |
Field mapping between FairCom DB SQL, FairCom DB API and FairCom DB API .NET |
Field offset in record buffer |
Field padding |
Field Types |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
CTTable::AddField |
CTTable::InsertField |
Data Types |
Field Types |
Scalar Types |
Fields |
actual length |
add |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
address in record buffer |
check length |
class |
clear |
defined size |
delete |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
edit |
hidden |
insert |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
mapping |
name |
number |
offset in record buffer |
padding |
types |
Files |
compatibility |
data extent size |
dictionary |
index extension |
index extent size |
Find Active Database |
Find active Database by UID |
Find Active Table |
Find active Table by UID |
Find Database |
Find Database by UID |
Find Modes |
Find Table |
Find Table by UID |
Finding records |
CTRecord::Find |
CTRecord::FindRowid |
CTRecord::FindTarget |
Finding records |
Finding records by ROWID |
Finding records by target key |
First Active Database |
First Active Table |
First Database |
First record |
First Table |
Fixed or variable length records |
Float formats |
Forcing a table rebuild |
Forcing an index rebuild |
Formats |
default date |
float |
time |
Freeing locks |
Freeing locks associated with a table |
Functions |
common |
c-tree Plus |
BuildKey |
c-treeDB |
ctdbClearAllCallback |
ctdbClearCallback |
ctdbConnect |
ctdbGetCallback |
ctdbGetRebuildProgress |
ctdbLogon |
ctdbOpenTable |
ctdbSetCallback |
ctdbSetFieldAsUTF16 |
SetTableKSeg |
default date formats |
error handling |
float formats |
session wide locking |
time formats |
transaction processing |
user defined tags |
G |
Get and Set Resource Properties with the FairCom DB API C++ API |
GetIndexKSeg |
GetSegmentKSeg |
GetTableKSeg |
Group ID |
table |
H |
Hidden fields |
CTTable::AddSegment |
Hidden fields |
How to Specify a Unicode Key Segment |
I |
ICU - International Components for Unicode |
ICU Collation Option Overview |
ICU International Components for Unicode |
Index |
add |
add to table |
class |
delete |
delete from table |
file extension |
file extent size |
force rebuild |
number |
Index file extension |
Index file extent size |
Index Key Types |
Inserting a group of records |
ISO 10646-1 |
2000 |
ISO/IEC 10646-1 |
K |
Key |
target |
types |
L |
Last record |
Layout of this Documentation |
Lock modes |
Locking |
CTBase Methods |
CTBase::Abort |
CTBase::GetLockMode |
CTBase::Lock |
CTBase::Unlock |
CTRecord Methods |
CTRecord::Clear |
CTRecord::LockRecord |
CTRecord::UnlockRecord |
CTRecord::Write |
CTResource::Unlock |
CTTable Methods |
CTTable::UnlockTable |
Locking |
Record Lock Modes |
Session-Wide Lock Modes |
Locks |
check if record is locked |
demote record locks |
free |
free locks associated with table |
mode |
record |
record modes |
session wide |
session wide modes |
start |
M |
Managing Databases |
Managing Tables |
Money |
class |
data types |
mtmake |
Unicode option |
N |
Navigating records |
New record flag |
Next Active Database |
Next Active Table |
Next Database |
Next record |
Next Table |
Managing Tables |
Next Table |
Null field support |
Number |
class |
data types |
Number of fields |
Number of indexes |
Numeric data types |
Numeric Types |
O |
Obtaining data file number |
Obtaining index file number |
Obtaining table data and file number |
Opening a table |
Opening a table with password |
Operators |
Overview |
Overview |
Overview |
P |
Padding fields |
Parentheses |
Parsing Expressions |
Passwords table |
Path Property |
Permission |
table |
table mask |
Predefined Functions |
Previous record |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
CTDB API for C++ - Developers Guide |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
Q |
Quick Tour |
CTDB API for C++ - Developers Guide |
Quick Tour |
R |
Reading and writing field data to a record buffer |
Reading Resources |
Reading UTF-16 Data C++ Example |
Reading UTF-16 Field Data |
RECBYT index |
Record Batches |
Record buffer layout |
Record count |
Record Filters |
Record Lock Modes |
CTRecord::LockRecord |
Record Lock Modes |
Record Locking |
Record offset |
Record properties |
Record ROWID |
Record Sets |
Records |
add |
automatic data type conversion |
buffer layout |
build target key |
check field length |
check locks |
class |
clear buffer |
clear field |
count |
create object |
create set |
default index |
delete |
demote locks |
edit flag |
field actual length |
field address in buffer |
field defined size |
field offset in buffer |
filter expression syntax |
filters |
find |
find by ROWID |
find by target key |
find modes |
first |
last |
lock mode |
locks |
navigate |
new flag |
next |
null field support |
offset |
previous |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
properties |
read field data to buffer |
Records |
reset |
seek |
select RECBYT index |
select ROWID index |
sets |
share same context |
terminate set |
update |
use field names |
working with |
write feild data to buffer |
Recovery |
automatic |
Resetting a record |
Resource Identification |
Resource Locks |
Resource Name |
Resource Number |
Resource Type |
Retrieving batch properties |
Retrieving records |
Retrieving records by index range |
Retrieving records by partial key |
Retrieving records by physical order |
Return values |
c-treeDB |
RFC 2871 |
RFC 3629 |
ROWID index |
S |
Save Points |
Scalar data types |
Scalar Types |
Security |
group |
Table permission mask |
Table Permissions |
owner |
Table permission mask |
Table Permissions |
world |
Table permission mask |
Table Permissions |
Seek to record |
Segment Modes |
Adding or deleting indexes |
CTSegment::SetMode |
CTTable::AddSegment |
CTTable::InsertSegment |
Segment Modes |
Segments |
class |
modes |
Selecting the RECBYT index |
Selecting the ROWID index |
Server and User Name Properties |
Session Dictionary |
Session Logon and Logout |
Session Properties |
Sessions |
active property |
add database |
class |
create new database |
create new dictionary |
create object |
database UID |
delete database |
dictionary file layout |
drop database |
find active database |
find active database by UID |
find database |
find database by UID |
first active database |
first database |
logon |
logout |
managing databases |
next active database |
next database |
password properties |
path property |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
properties |
server properties |
Sessions |
user name properties |
without dictionary support |
working with |
Session-Wide Lock Modes |
CTBase::GetLockMode |
Session-Wide Lock Modes |
Session-Wide Locking |
SetIndexKSeg |
SetKSegDefaults |
SetSegmentKSeg |
Sharing the same context |
Specifing a Unicode Key Segment C++ Example |
Specifying a Unicode Key Segment with CTSEG_UNCSEG |
Starting a new batch operation |
Starting a transaction |
Starting locks |
Storing UTF-8 Data |
String class |
Switching c-tree instances |
Switching ISAM contexts |
T |
Table count |
Table Create Modes |
CTTable::Create |
CTTable::GetCreateMode |
Table Create Modes |
Table file extension |
Table group ID |
Table name |
Table Open Modes |
CTTable::GetOpenMode |
CTTable::Open |
Table Open Modes |
Table password |
Table Path |
Table permission mask |
Table Permissions |
CTTable::GetPermission |
CTTable::SetPermission |
Table Permissions |
Table Properties |
Changing default properties |
Table Properties |
Table UID (Unique IDentifier) |
Tables |
add |
add fields |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
add index |
Add, edit or delete indexes |
Adding an index to a table |
Adding or deleting indexes |
add under transaction control |
alter |
Alter the table |
Altering a table |
change properties |
class |
close |
count tables in database |
create |
create modes |
create new |
create object |
create object without database support |
create under transaction control |
data file extent size |
delete |
delete fields |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
delete index |
Add, edit or delete indexes |
Adding or deleting indexes |
Deleting an index from a table |
delete under transaction control |
drop |
drop under transaction control |
edit fields |
edit index |
field padding |
field types |
file extension |
find |
find active |
find active by UID |
find by UID |
first |
first active |
fixed length records |
force index rebuild |
force rebuild |
group ID |
hidden fields |
index file extension |
index file extent size |
insert fields |
Add, insert, delete, or edit fields |
Adding, inserting or deleting fields |
manage in database |
name |
next |
next active |
number of fields |
number of index |
open |
open modes |
open with password |
password |
path |
permission |
permission mask |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
properties |
RECBYT index |
ROWID index |
segment modes |
Tables |
update create mode |
variable length records |
Tags |
user defined |
Target key, build |
Terminating a batch operation |
Terminating a record set |
Terminating a transaction |
The default index |
Time |
class |
data type |
formats |
Time Types |
Timestamp data type |
Transaction Processing |
create table |
start |
terminate |
Transactions |
Type Casting |
Types of Resources |
U |
Unicode |
Activating FairCom DB API Unicode support |
Creating Key Segments |
c-treeDB |
SetTableKSeg |
Extended Key Segment Definition |
FairCom DB API Support for Unicode |
fields |
International Components for Unicode (ICU) |
ISO 10646-1 |
2000 |
ISO/IEC 10646-1 |
mtmake options |
RFC 2871 |
RFC 3629 |
UTF-16 |
UTF-16 Field Types |
UTF-8 |
Writing UTF-16 Field Data |
Unicode Support |
Unicode UTF-16 |
Unicode UTF-8 |
Update create mode |
Updating existing records |
Updating Existing Resources |
User Defined Tags |
Using field names |
UTF-16 |
V |
Variable-length Records with Conditional Expressions |
Variables |
W |
Working with Callbacks |
Working with Callbacks |
Working with Callbacks |
Working with Databases |
Working with Records |
Opening a table |
Working with Records |
Working with Resources |
Working with Sessions |
Working with Sessions without Dictionary Support |
Programming with FairCom DB API |
Working with Sessions without Dictionary Support |
Working with Tables |
Working with Unicode |
Writing UTF-16 Data C++ Example |
Writing UTF-16 Field Data |