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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with SessionsManaging Databases

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Managing Databases

Once the user performs a successful Session logon, the session object can be used to operate on databases.

Every time a new database is created, or an existing database is added to a session, the database properties such as database name and path are placed in an entry of the database dictionary file.

Every time a user activates a database by connecting to it using CTDatabase::Connect() method, the database is placed in a list of active (connected) databases within the session. When a database is deactivated or disconnected by CTDatabase::Disconnect() method, the database is removed from the list of active databases. A user may query the active database list by locating the first active database, the next active database or finding a specific active database.

In This Section

Creating a new Database

Adding an existing Database

Dropping a Database

Deleting a Database

First Database

Next Database

Find Database

First Active Database

Next Active Database

Find Active Database

Database UID (Unique IDentifier)

Find Database by UID

Find active Database by UID
