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FairCom DB API C++ API Class ReferenceCTSession ClassCTSession MethodsCTSession::FindDatabase

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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CTBOOL FindDatabase(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path)

CTBOOL FindDatabase(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path, ULONG& uid)

CTBOOL FindDatabase(ULONG uid, CTString& Name, CTString& Path)


  • Name [in or out] the database name
  • Path [out] the database path
  • uid [in or out] the database uid


Locates a database in a session. If the prototype FindDatabase(CTString& Name, CTString& Path) is used, Name is an input, and the method returns the database path in Path. If the prototype FindDatabase(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path, ULONG& uid) is used, Name is an input, and the method returns the database path, and uid, in Path and uid, respectively. If the prototype FindDatabase(ULONG uid, CTString& Name, CTString& Path) is used, uid is an input, and the method returns the database name, and path in Name and Path respectively.


FindDatabase() returns YES if the database is found, NO otherwise.

See also

FirstDatabase(), NextDatabase(), GetDatabase()
