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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with DatabasesNext Table

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Next Table

CTDatabase::NextTable() retrieves the name and path of the next table in a database. CTDatabase::NextTable() returns NO (false) when no more tables exist for the current database.

// Display all tables in a database

void DisplayTables(CTDatabase &ADatabase)


CTString Name;

CTString Path;

if (ADatabase.FirstTable(Name, Path))



printf("Table: %s Path: %s\n", Name.c_str(), Path.c_str());


while (ADatabase.NextTable(Name, Path);


In This Section

Find Table

First Active Table

Next Active Table

Find Active Table

Table UID (Unique IDentifier)

Find Table by UID

Find active Table by UID

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Find Table

CTDatabase::FindTable() locates a specific table given the table name and, if the table exists, retrieves the table path. If a table cannot be found, CTDatabase::FindTable() returns NO (false).

// return YES if table exist or NO if table does not exit

CTBOOL TableExist(CTDatabase &ADatabase, CTString& tblName)


CTString tblPath;

return ADatabase.FindTable(TblName, tblPath);


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First Active Table

CTDatabase::GetFirstActive() retrieves the table object pointer of the first active table. If the database contains no active tables, CTDatabase::GetFirstActive() returns NULL.

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Next Active Table

CTDatabase::GetNextActive() retrieves the table object pointer of the next active table. When no more active tables exist, CTDatabase::GetNextActive() returns NULL.

// Display all active tables

void DisplayActiveTables(CTDatabase &ADatabase)


VRLEN hScan;

CTTable *pTable;

if ((pTable = ADatabase.GetFirstActive(&hScan)) != NULL)




printf("Table: %s Path: %s\n", pTable->GetName().c_str(),


pTable = ADatabase.GetNextActive(&hScan);


while (pTable != NULL;


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Find Active Table

CTDatabase::FindActive() locates a specific active table and returns the table object pointer. If the table is not active, CTDatabase::FindActive() returns NULL.

// Check if table is active

CTBOOL IsTableActive(CTDatabase& ADatabase, CTString& tblName)


return (ADatabase.FindActive(tblName) != NULL) ? YES : NO;

The function above is shown for example purposes only as the FairCom DB API method CTTable::IsActive() provides a more efficient way to check if a table is active.

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Table UID (Unique IDentifier)

When a table is created or added to a database, an automatic and unique identifier (UID) is associated with the table. A table UID is unique within the database that the table is associated with.

A table UID is an unsigned long value that can be used as an alternative method to operate on tables once the table is created or added to a database.

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Find Table by UID

The overloaded method CTDatabase::FindTable() locates a table in the database given the table UID and retrieves the table name and path. The following example shows how to implement a table open function using the table UID instead of the table name.

// open table using UID

CTTable* OpenByUID(CTDatabase& ADatabase, ULONG uid, CTOPEN_MODE OpenMode)


CTString tblName;

CTString tblPath;

CTTable* Retval;

// locate the table in the database by uid

if (ADatabase.FindTable(uid, tblName, tblPath))


Retval = new CTTable(ADatabase);

if (!Retval)

throw CTException(CTDBRET_NOMEMORY);



Retval->Open(tblName, OpenMode);


catch (CTException& err)


delete Retval;





// table not found

throw CTException(INOT_ERR);


return Retval;


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Find active Table by UID

The overloaded method CTDatabase::FindActive() locates an active table given its UID number and returns the active table object pointer. The following example shows how to check if a table is active using its UID number.

// check if atable is active, by UID

CTBOOL IsTableActive(CTDatabase& ADatabase, ULONG uid)


return (ADatabase. FindActive(uid) != NULL) ? YES : NO;

