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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with TablesCreating a New TableAdding, inserting or deleting fields

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Adding, inserting or deleting fields

Fields are what hold the actual record data for each row in a table. Whereas a record could be considered a "row" in a table, a field could be considered a "column" in a table, or a "cell" in a record. The fields are defined at the time of the table creation.

Fields are added to the record definition in the order they are declared. The FairCom DB API API also includes a set of functions that will allow a field to be inserted at a certain place in the record definition and fields can also be deleted from the record definition.

Each filed will have a file type (e.g., CT_INTEGER and CT_CHAR in the example below). For more information, see Field Types.

CTTable::AddField() method will add a new field to the end of the record definition.

// create a new table object

CTTable ATable(ADatabase);

// add two fields to the table record definition

ATAble.AddField("Field1", CT_INTEGER, 4);

ATable.AddField("Field2", CT_CHAR, 30);

// create the table

ATable.Create("MyTable", CTCREATE_NORMAL);

CTTable::InsField() inserts a new field before a given field that has already been defined. CTTable::InsField() overloaded methods allow you to specify a field index or a field name to identify the position on the record definition that the new field will be inserted. The first field is number 0, the second field is number 1 and so on.

// create a new table object

CTTable ATable(ADatabase);

// add two fields to the table record definition

ATable.AddField( "Field1", CT_INTEGER, 4);

ATable.AddField( "Field2", CT_CHAR, 30);

ATable.InsField("Field2", "Field3", CT_BOOL, 1);

// create the table

ATable.Create("MyTable", CTCREATE_NORMAL);

CTTable::DelField() deletes a field from the record definition. CTTable::DelField() overloaded methods allow the user to specify a field index or a field name to identify the field to delete. The first field is number 0, the second field is number 1, and so on.

// create a new table object

CTTable ATable(ADatabase);

// add two fields to the table record definition

ATable.AddField( "Field1", CT_INTEGER, 4);

ATable.AddField( "Field2", CT_CHAR, 30);

// delete field2 from record definition


// create the table

ATable.Create("MyTable", CTCREATE_NORMAL);
