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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with UnicodeUnicode SupportStoring UTF-8 Data

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Storing UTF-8 Data

Since a UTF-8 encoded string is comprised of ordinary ASCII characters (with code values between 0 and 127) and multi-byte characters (which have the highest-order bit set in each byte), they can be stored normally in any of FairCom DB API’s string or binary field types such as CT_STRING, CT_FSTRING, CT_4STRING, etc. It is up to the application to decipher the field data.

On the other hand, if a field holding a UTF-8 encoded string is part of a key segment, then you need to define an "Extended Key Segment" for that segment to allow FairCom DB API to apply the appropriate translations to the field data when building the key data. Please refer to the "Extended Key Segment Definition" section above for more details.
