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FairCom DB API C++ API Class ReferenceCTResource ClassCTResource MethodsCTResource::Find

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Find a resource by type and number of by name.


CTBOOL CTResource::Find(ULONG type, ULONG number, CTBOOL lock) const;

CTBOOL CTResource::Find(const CTString& name, CTBOOL lock) const;


The first overloaded method locates and retrieves a resource in a table based on type and number. Parameters type and number are values that should uniquely identify the resource and lock is used to indicate if the resource should be locked, if it is found.

The second overloaded method locates and retrieves a resource by name. c-tree Plus cannot guarantee unique resource names. Parameter name is the resource name and lock is used to indicate if the resource should be locked, if it is found.


CTResource::Find() return YES if the resource was located and retrieved or NO if the resource could not be found. In case of error, a CTException is thrown.


// display a particular resource

void DisplayResource(const CTTable& hTable, ULONG type, ULONG number)


CTResource* hRes = new CTResource(hTable);



if (hRes->Find(type, number))


printf("Resource type: %u, number: %u, name: %s\n",

hRes->GetType(), hRes->GetNumber(),




printf("Resource %d,%d not found\n", type, number);


catch (CTException &err)


printf("Error %d - %s\n", err.GetErrorCode(), err.GetErrorMsg());


delete hRes;


See Also

CTResource::Add(), CTResource::Delete(), CTResource::Update(), CTResource::First(), CTResource::Next(), CTResource::GetType(), CTResource::SetType(), CTResource::GetNumber(), CTResource::SetNumber(), CTResource::GetName(), CTResource::SetName(), CTResource::GetDataLength(), CTResource::GetData(), CTResource::SetData(), CTResource::Unlock(), CTResource::IsLocked()
