~CTSession(): Destroys a CTSession Object and resets all the dependent objects
Session Handling
Create(): Creates a new session dictionary
GetParam(): Returns the session parameter based on the parameter type.
GetPath(): Retrieve the path (drive/directory) of the session dictionary.
GetPathPrefix(): Get the client-side path prefix.
GetServerName(): Returns the server name associated with the session.
GetUserLogonName(): Returns the user name associated with the session.
IsActive(): Checks if the session is active.
Logon(): Logs on to c-tree Server, or c-tree instance, session.
Logout(): Logs out from c-tree Server or from c-tree instance session and release all resources
SetParam(): Sets the session parameter values.
SetPath(): Sets the session dictionary path.
SetPathPrefix(): Set the client-side path prefix.
GetLogonOnly(): Retrieves the session logon only flag.
SetLogonOnly(): Sets the session logon only flag. This flag, when set to YES before the session Logon, will prevent the session from using the session dictionary.
SetCurrentNodeName(): Sets the client node name.
DataBase Handling
AddDatabase(): Adds an existing database to the session.
CreateDatabase(): Creates a new database
DeleteDatabase(): Drops a database from the session and deletes the data and index files.
DisconnectAll(): Disconnects all databases
DropDatabase(): Drops a database from a session.
FindActive(): Find active database by name or by uid
FindDatabase(): Locates a database in a session.
FirstDatabase(): Gets the first database for the session
GetDatabaseUID(): Retrieves a database UID
GetFirstActive(): Retrieves the first active database
GetNextActive(): Retrieves the next active database
NextDatabase(): Gets the Next database for the session
GetDatabaseCount(): Retrieves the number of databases in the session dictionary.