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FairCom DB API C++ API Class ReferenceCTDatabase ClassCTDatabase MethodsCTDatabase::FindTable

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CTBOOL FindTable(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path)

CTBOOL FindTable(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path, ULONG& uid)

CTBOOL FindTable(ULONG uid, CTString& Name, CTString& Path)


  • Name [in or out] The name of the table. When using the FindTable(ULONG uid, CTString& Name, CTString& Path) prototype, Name is an output parameter. Otherwise, it is an input, and it is used to locate the table.
  • Path [out] The table path, and it is returned by the method.
  • uid [in or out] The table UID. When using the FindTable(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path, ULONG& uid) prototype, uid is an output parameter. When using the FindTable(ULONG uid, CTString& Name, CTString& Path) prototype, uid is an input parameter.


Locates a table in a database. If the prototype FindTable(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path) is used, the table is searched by name, and the method retrieves its path. If the prototype FindTable(const CTString& Name, CTString& Path, ULONG& uid) is used, the table is searched by name, and the method retrieves its path and uid. If the prototype FindTable(ULONG uid, CTString& Name, CTString& Path) is used, the table is searched by uid, and the method retrieves its name and path.


FindTable() returns YES if the table is found, NO otherwise.

See also

