Product Documentation

Programming with FairCom DB APIData IntegrityLockingStarting locks

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Starting locks

Start acquiring locks by passing the appropriate lock mode to the Lock method inherited by CTSession(), CTDatabase(), CTTable(), and CTRecord() from CTBase().

// start locking


After a successful call to Lock, the FairCom DB API API locks all records as they are read using the lock mode passed to Lock. Suspend record locking temporarily by calling the Lock function with the mode CTLOCK_SUSPEND. Suspending locks does not release any locks, but while locks are suspended, no record reads are automatically locked.

// suspend locking


Suspended locking can be resumed by calling Lock with a resume lock mode: CTLOCK_RESUME_READ, CTLOCK_RESUME_LOCK_BLOCK, CTLOCK_RESUME_WRITE, or CTLOCK_RESUME_WRITE_BLOCK.

// resume locking





catch (CTException &err)

printf("Resume lock failed with error %d\n", err.GetErrorCode());

