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FairCom DB API C++ API Class ReferenceCTResource ClassCTResource MethodsCTResource::Next

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Retrieve the next resource stored in a table.


CTBOOL CTResource::Next(CTBOOL lock) const;


Retrieves the next resource stored in a table. lock is used to indicate if the resource should be locked, if it is found.


CTResource::Next() returns YES if the first resource was retrieved or NO if first resource does not exist. In case of error, a CTException is thrown.


// read resources with type >= type and number > 0

void DisplayResources(const CTTable& hTable, ULONG type)


CTResource* hRes = new CTResource(hTable, type, 0);



while (hRes->Next())


printf("Resource type: %u, number: %u",

hRes->GetType(), hRes->GetNumber());



catch (CTException &err)


printf("Error %d - %s\n", err.GetErrorCode(), err.GetErrorMsg());


delete hRes;


See Also

CTResource::Add(), CTResource::Delete(), CTResource::Update(), CTResource::First(), CTResource::Find(), CTResource::GetType(), CTResource::SetType(), CTResource::GetNumber(), CTResource::SetNumber(), CTResource::GetName(), CTResource::SetName(), CTResource::GetDataLength(), CTResource::GetData(), CTResource::SetData(), CTResource::Unlock(), CTResource::IsLocked()
