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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with UnicodeExtended Key Segment DefinitionFairCom DB API C++ API Methods

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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FairCom DB API C++ API Methods

The following methods are available to implement table wide extended key segment definitions:

void CTTable::SetTableKSeg(pctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTTable::SetTableKSeg() establishes a table-wide extended key segment definition. pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure with the extended key definition.

void CTTable::GetTableKSeg(pctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTTable::GetTableKSeg() retrieves the current table-wide extended key segment definition. pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure which will receive the definition.

The following two methods were added to implement index-wide extended key segment definitions:

void CTIndex::SetIndexKSeg(pctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTIndex::SetIndexKSeg() establishes an index-wide extended key segment definition. pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure with the extended key definition.

void CTIndex::GetIndexKSeg(ctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTIndex::GetIndexKSeg() retrieves the current index-wide extended key segment definition pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure which will receive the definition.

The following three methods were added to implement extended key segment definition for a specific key segment:

void CTSegment::SetSegmentKSeg(pctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTSegment::SetSegmentKSeg() establishes a segment’s extended key segment definition. pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure with the extended key definition.

void CTSegment::GetSegmentKSeg(pctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTSegment::GetSegmentKSeg() retrieves the current index wide extended key segment definition. pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure which will receive the definition.

void CTSegment::SetKSegDefaults(pctKSEGDEF pKSeg);

CTSegment::SetKSegDefaults() sets the system-wide default values for the extended key segment definition. pKSeg is a pointer to an extended key segment definition structure which will receive the definition.

The default values are:

kseg_ssiz = ctKSEG_SSIZ_COMPUTED;

kseg_type = ctKSEG_TYPE_UNICODE;

kseg_styp = ctKSEG_STYP_UTF16;


kseg_desc = "en_US"
