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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with RecordsRecord BatchesBatch Modes

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Batch Modes

You must specify one of the following Mandatory modes when calling the ctdbSetBatch() function or the CTRecord:SetBatch() method:




Retrieve a group of related records by partial key


Retrieve a group of related records based on an index range expression


Retrieve records from a table in physical order. The starting record for the batch retrieval may be specified. (A physical order batch read is slightly faster than going through an index as it has fewer reads to do.)


Delete a group of related records by partial key


Insert a group of records

The following modes are optional and can be OR-ed to the mandatory mode to specify other details on how the batch operation is to be performed.




Process records with a greater than or equal key match with the target key. When this mode is specified, the number of matched records is not readily available. ctdbBatchLocked() and CTRecord::BatchLocked returns a value one greater than ctdbBatchLoaded() to indicate there may be more records to process.This mode is applicable only with CTBATCH_GET and CTBATCH_DEL modes and can not be used with CTBATCH_LKEY.


Process records that have a less than or equal key match with the target key.This mode is applicable only with CTBATCH_GET and CTBATCH_DEL modes and can not be used with CTBATCH_GKEY.


Verify that the keys in the index match the values in the key fields of the record.


Keep all records locked after ...EndBatch() is called. Without this mode, all records locks are released when ...EndBatch() is called. This option is only in effect when used with CTBATCH_LOCK_READ or CTBATCH_LOCK_WRITE.


Place a read lock on each record that matches the partial key.


Place a write lock on each record that matches the partial key.


Convert a CTBATCH_LOCK_READ or CTBATCH_LOCK_WRITE to blocking read and blocking write locks, respectively.


Implement an alternative locking strategy: only locks the record during the record read; original locking strategy keeps locks on during entire batch processing.


...SetBatch() returns a success code only if all matching records are successfully locked. You must specify either CTBATCH_LOCK_READ or CTBATCH_LOCK_WRITE.
