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Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with UnicodeICU - International Components for Unicode

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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ICU - International Components for Unicode

Unicode is the single, universal character set for text which enables the interchange, processing, storage and display of text in many languages.

The International Components for Unicode (ICU) are a mature, widely used set of C/C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support for software applications. ICU is widely portable and gives applications the same results on all platforms and between C/C++ and Java software.

Complete details on the ICU can be found on the ICU Unicode website.

ICU is released under a nonrestrictive open source license that is suitable for use with both commercial software and with other open source or free software. To the extent required by the licenses accompanying the ICU libraries, the terms of such license will apply in lieu of the terms of any agreement with FairCom with respect to the open source software including, without limitation, any provisions governing access to source code, modification or reverse engineering. FairCom makes no representation, warranty or other commitment of any kind regarding such open source software, offers no technical support for such open source software and shall, to the maximum extent permitted by law, have no liability associated with its use.
