Product Documentation

Programming with FairCom DB APIWorking with TablesCreating a Table object

FairCom DB API API for C++ - Developers Guide

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Creating a Table object

A valid table object is required before most table operations can take place. You need to pass a valid CTDatabase object to the CTTable constructor.

// create a CTTable object

CTTable ATable(ADatabase);



// open table "MyTable"

ATable.Open("MyTable", CTOPEN_NORMAL);


catch (CTException &err)


printf("Table open failed with error %d\n", err.GetErrorCode);


If you create a dynamic CTTable object with the new operator, you are required to destroy the object with the delete operator.

// create a dynamic CTTable object

CTTable* pTable = new CTTable(ADatabase);

if (!pTable)


printf("CTTable creation failed\n");


... other operations ..

// destroy the CTTable object

delete pTable;

If you destroy an active table object, all record objects associated with the table will be reset and the table closed before the object is destroyed.

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Creating a table object without database support

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Creating a table object without database support

It is possible to create or open a table without database support by passing a session object when creating the table object. Start your session with the CTSESSION_CTREE mode.

// create the session and table objects


CTTable ATable(ASession);

// logon to session

ASession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");

// without database support, it is necessary to

// specify the path were the table is located


// open the table



ATable.Open("MyTable", CTOPEN_NORMAL);


catch (CTException &err)


printf("Table open failed with error %d\n, err.GetErrorCode());


Please note from the code above the need to specify the path where the table is located. If no path is specified, FairCom DB API will try to open the table from the current directory. The same principle applies when creating a table without database support:

// create the session and table objects


CTTable ATable(ASession);

// logon to session

ASession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");

// add fields to table

ATable.AddField("Field1", CT_INT2, 2);

ATable.AddField("Field2", CT_FSTRING, 30);

// without database support, it is necessary to

// specify the path were the table is located


// open the table



ATable.Create("MyTable", CTCREATE_NORMAL);


catch (CTException &err)


printf("Create open failed with error %d\n, err.GetErrorCode());

