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caCertificatePath(String) - Method in class ServerConnection
Use this when you have a path to a trusted CA certificate which can be used to create the X.509 certificate.
caCertificatePath(String) - Method in interface ServerConnectionInterface
Use this when you have a path to a trusted CA certificate which can be used to create the X.509 certificate.
CHANGEID - Field.AutoValue
CHAR - Field.FieldType
closeCursor() - Method in class Cursor
Closes the cursor and releases its resources on the server.
com.faircom.jsonaction - package com.faircom.jsonaction
COMMIT - DbApi.AtEnd
Commits the SQL command.
commitTransaction(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Commits a transaction.
configure() - Method in class ServerConnection
Configure TLS for this ServerConnection instance.
configure() - Method in interface ServerConnectionInterface
Configure TLS for this interface.
connect() - Method in class Session
Configure this class and the ServerConnection class, using previously run setters.
connectInfo() - Method in class ServerConnection
Retrieve connection information the configured endpoint, TLS version, how TLS is configured, the time of the first connection, the current date and time the number of bytes sent, and the number of bytes received.
ConnectionException - Exception in com.faircom.jsonaction
Extends the ApiException class to handle connection exceptions.
ConnectionException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception ConnectionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
CONTINUE - DbApi.OnError
Continues execution of the SQL command.
createDatabase(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Creates a new database with the specified name.
createIndex(String, String, String, List<String>, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Creates an index for the specified fields in the specified table.
createSession(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class AdminApi
Establish a new session to a FairCom JSON Action API server.
createTable(String, String, Fields, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Creates a table using the provided fields and properties.
createTransaction(ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Generates a new "transactionId" value and returns it in the "result.transactionId" property.
createTransactionSavepoint(String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Creates a transaction savepoint and returns a unique identifier for the savepoint in the "result.transactionSavepointId" property.
The server tracks the current position of each cursor.
Cursor - Class in com.faircom.jsonaction
Cursor(Session, ObjectNode) - Constructor for class Cursor
Cursor(Session, ObjectNode, String) - Constructor for class Cursor
Cursor.StartFrom - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
An enum representing all possible Cursor startFrom modes.
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