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testConnection() - Method in class ServerConnection
Test the connection to the server by sending a GET request to the configured endpoint.
TIME - Field.FieldType
TIMESTAMP - Field.FieldType
TINYINT - Field.FieldType
TLSV1_1 - ServerConnection.TLS_VERSION
Represents the less-secure TLSv1.1 protocol version.
TLSV1_2 - ServerConnection.TLS_VERSION
Represents the TLSv1.2 protocol version.
TLSV1_3 - ServerConnection.TLS_VERSION
Represents the TLSv1.3 protocol version.
tlsVersion(ServerConnection.TLS_VERSION) - Method in class ServerConnection
Set the TLS version to use for secure HTTP communications.
toArrayNode() - Method in class Fields
toJson() - Method in class Field
Serialize the class instance as JSON.
toJson() - Method in class Session
Convert the current object to a JSON string.
toObjectNode() - Method in class Field
Serialize the class instance as JSON.
toString() - Method in enum ServerConnection.TLS_VERSION
Override the default toString() to include the dot and so the proper case will be used.
truncateRecords(String, String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Deletes all records in a table, quickly and efficiently by removing its data file.
trustManagers(TrustManager[]) - Method in class ServerConnection
Use this when you have a configured a TrustManager array which can be used to build the SSLContext.
trustManagers(TrustManager[]) - Method in interface ServerConnectionInterface
Use this when you have a configured a TrustManager array which can be used to build the SSLContext.
type(Field.FieldType) - Method in class Field
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