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databaseName(String) - Method in class Session
Sets the database name the session connects to.
dataFormat(Session.DataFormat) - Method in class Session
Sets the default data format.
DATE - Field.FieldType
DbApi - Class in com.faircom.jsonaction
Executes actions in FairCom's JSON DB API, such as querying data, managing records, and creating data objects, such as databases, tables, and indexes.
DbApi(Session) - Constructor for class DbApi
Use this constructor to use an existing session with a FairCom server to send JSON DB API actions to the server.
DbApi.AtEnd - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
Defines how the action commits or rolls back the statements it runs.
DbApi.OnError - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
Determines when to stop or continue the execution of SQL statements.
debug(Session.DebugLevel) - Method in class Session
Sets the session's debug setting.
defaultApi(String) - Method in class Session
Sets the default API.
defaultValue(JsonNode) - Method in class Field
deleteDatabase(String, ObjectNode, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Deletes a database with the specified name.
deleteIndexes(String, String, List<String>, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Deletes the specified indexes in the specified table.
deleteRecordsUsingIds(String, String, List<Long>, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Deletes one or more records in a table.
deleteRecordsUsingKeys(String, String, ArrayNode, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Deletes one or more records in a table.
deleteSession(String, ObjectNode) - Method in class AdminApi
Log out of the FairCom server and release all session resources.
deleteTables(String, List<String>, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Deletes one or more tables from the designated database with options.
describeSessions(List<String>, ObjectNode) - Method in class AdminApi
Return one or more session objects that the logged in account is authorized to view.
describeTables(String, List<String>, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Describes specific tables in the designated database.
describeThisSession() - Method in class Session
Returns information about the current session in a Jackson ObjectNode.
description(String) - Method in class Session
Sets the description for this session.
disableTLS(Boolean) - Method in class ServerConnection
Disable all TLS security.
disableTLS(Boolean) - Method in interface ServerConnectionInterface
Disable all TLS security.
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