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BASE64 - Session.BinaryFormat
Use base-64 encoding.
Moves the cursor before the first record in the results.
BIGINT - Field.FieldType
BINARY - Field.FieldType
binaryFormat(Session.BinaryFormat) - Method in class Session
Sets the session's binary format used to encode binary values in JSON strings.
BIT - Field.FieldType
build() - Method in class Field
Validates all settings and returns a Field instance based on your settings.
build() - Method in class ServerConnection
Builds the ServerConnection instance.
build() - Method in class Session
Returns a Session instance that has an established session with the server based on your settings.
buildBasicRequest(String, String, String) - Static method in class Session
Build a FairCom JSON Action request containing most of the required properties for JSON Action APIs.
buildCertificate(String) - Static method in class ServerConnection
Load the file at the specified path and parse it as an X.509 certificate.
buildKeyStore(X509Certificate) - Static method in class ServerConnection
Build a KeyStore from an X.509 certificate.
buildSslContext(String, TrustManager[]) - Static method in class ServerConnection
Build a SSLContext instance from an array of TrustManager class objects.
buildTrustManager(X509Certificate, KeyStore) - Static method in class ServerConnection
This method takes a certificates filename, and builds a TrustManager which trusts that certificate and anything signed by it.
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