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add(Field) - Method in class Fields
Add one field to the instance of this class.
addAll(Collection<? extends Field>) - Method in class Fields
Adds every element in the specified collection to this instance.
addField(Field) - Method in class Fields
Add one field to the instance of this class.
AdminApi - Class in com.faircom.jsonaction
Executes actions in FairCom's JSON ADMIN API, such as managing services, users, roles, privileges, and sessions.
AdminApi(Session) - Constructor for class AdminApi
Create an AdminApi object that connects to the FairCom server using the specified API Endpoint, username, and password.
Moves the cursor after the first record in the results.
alterSession(ObjectNode) - Method in class AdminApi
Alter settings for a specific session.
alterTable(String, String, ArrayNode, ArrayNode, ArrayNode, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Alters a table by adding, renaming or removing fields and settings.
ApiException - Exception in com.faircom.jsonaction
Base class for all FairCom JSON Action exceptions.
ApiException(String) - Constructor for exception ApiException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ApiException(String, int) - Constructor for exception ApiException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and errorCode.
ApiException(String, int, ObjectNode) - Constructor for exception ApiException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, errorCode, and response.
ARRAYS - Session.DataFormat
Response data will be in arrays.
authToken(String) - Method in class Session
Sets the authToken.
AUTODETECT - Session.DataFormat
Auto-detect the format to use.
autoValue(Field.AutoValue) - Method in class Field
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