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length(Integer) - Method in class Field
listDatabases(String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Lists all databases on the FairCom JSON Action API server that match a partial name.
listIndexes(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Lists the indexes for a specified table.
listServices(ObjectNode) - Method in class AdminApi
Returns information about each available service.
listSessions(ObjectNode) - Method in class AdminApi
List all active sessions visible to the credentials used to create this session.
listTables(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Lists all table names in the designated database that start with the specified String.
listTransactions(ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Lists all transactions that the session has permission to view.
loggerLevel(Level) - Method in class Session
Sets the logger level.
logoutThisSession() - Method in class Session
Log out from FairCom server and release all session resources.
LVARBINARY - Field.FieldType
LVARCHAR - Field.FieldType
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