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scale(Integer) - Method in class Field
scale is required for a "NUMBER" and "MONEY" data types where it defines the number of places to the right of the decimal point.
serverConnection(ServerConnection) - Method in class Session
Attaches a ServerConnection instance to this class.
ServerConnection - Class in com.faircom.jsonaction
Connects to a FairCom server using HTTPS and HTTP.
ServerConnection() - Constructor for class ServerConnection
No-arg constructor that expects a delayed TLS configuration.
ServerConnection.TLS_VERSION - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
An enum to hold the TLS version and a customer toString() to ensure it is formatted in a way that TLS classes can use.
ServerConnectionInterface - Interface in com.faircom.jsonaction
Defines a standard interface for creating a connection to a FairCom server.
Session - Class in com.faircom.jsonaction
Manages the JSON Action API session on the FairCom server.
Session() - Constructor for class Session
Create a Session object that connects to the FairCom server using the specified API Endpoint, username, and password.
Session.BinaryFormat - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
The BinaryFormat can be 'base64' or 'hex'.
Session.DataFormat - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
The DataFormat can be 'autodetect', 'arrays', or 'objects'.
Session.DebugLevel - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
The DebugLevel can be 'none' or 'max'.
Session.NumberFormat - Enum in com.faircom.jsonaction
The NumberFormat can be 'number' or 'string'.
setLoggerLevel(Level) - Method in class ServerConnection
Set the logger level.
setLoggerLevel(Level) - Method in interface ServerConnectionInterface
Set the minimum message level to be logged.
setLoggerLevel(Level) - Method in class Session
Set this session's Logger to the specified level.
setupLogger(Logger, Level) - Method in class ServerConnection
Configure the default properties for the class logger.
size() - Method in class Fields
Return the count of elements in this instance.
SMALLINT - Field.FieldType
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class ServerConnection
Use this when you have a configured SSLContext which can be applied to the HttpClient.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface ServerConnectionInterface
Use this when you have a configured SSLContext which can be applied to the HttpClient.
STOP - DbApi.OnError
Aborts the SQL command.
STRING - Session.NumberFormat
Display numbers as strings.
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