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REAL - Field.FieldType
rebuildIndexes(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Rebuilds a table's indexes.
rebuildTables(String, List<String>, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Rebuilds the indexes for one or more tables.
reconnect() - Method in class Session
Reconnects to the server by testing the existing ServerConnection instance and creating a new session if necessary.
revertToTransactionSavepoint(String, String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Reverts a transaction to a savepoint.
Rolls back the SQL command.
Rolls back the SQL command, only on error.
rollbackTransaction(String, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Rolls back a transaction.
runSQLStatements(String, List<String>, DbApi.OnError, DbApi.AtEnd, List<ObjectNode>, ObjectNode) - Method in class DbApi
Runs one or more SQL statements such as drop, create, alter, call, insert, update, and delete statements.
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