Determines if each occurrence of an internal FairCom Server checkpoint will cause a time stamp message to be sent to the FairCom Server console screen and to the CTSTATUS.FCS file.
Allows certain types of entries in CTSTATUS.FCS to be suppressed.
Controls the size of the FairCom Server status file.
Enables FairCom DB to monitor available disk space and to shut down the database engine when the disk space falls below the specified limit.
Activates a disk space threshold mechanism to detect when a disk volume is getting full (the specified number of bytes must remain available on a disk volume after a file has been extended).
Allows volume-specific disk full checks.
Causes the client number, function number, function name, and file name are displayed in a scrolling fashion on the FairCom Server console screen.
Enables additional tracking and checking of internal memory suballocations - Consult with FairCom support team as this option can significantly impact performance in certain use cases.
Deprecated: Monitors the number of active record locks.
Sends a message to the console whenever allocated memory exceeds the next memory threshold.
Sends debug output to the console every time the net memory allocation count changes by a multiple of the threshold value.
Suppress the message sent to the system console if a file without a matching name does match the unique file ID when a file open is attempted.
Allows entries to be placed on a queue for client side processing and monitoring of server events.
Specifies a request time in seconds for monitoring function that exceed the specified time.
Captures user information pertaining the to file specified to SNAPSHOT.FCS in addition to the system snapshot.
Enables automatic snapshots at specified intervals.
Changes the default histogram intervals (box width) for the lock waiting time histograms.
Controls the width of the fixed transaction log flush time histogram, and the initial width of the adaptive transaction log flush time histogram.
Changes the default histogram intervals (box width) for the transaction time histogram.
Captures user information to SNAPSHOT.FCS in addition to the system snapshot.
Specifies a keyword indicating contents to be stored in the System Event Log.
Enables system status reports triggered by the specified event.
Enables system status reports triggered by the specified event.
Diagnostics keywords are intended to be used to help collect data to be analyzed for troubleshooting. The use of these keywords should be avoided in normal operation as they may cause additional overhead (e.g., logging).
Causes a time stamp message goes to the FairCom Server console screen each time the FairCom Server detects and resolves a dead lock.
Write system snapshots to the human-readable SNAPSHOT.FCS text file.
Enables collecting disk read and write timings on a per-file basis when high-resolution timer support is activated.
Write system snapshots to the human-readable SNAPSHOT.FCS text file.
Enables collecting FairCom DB function call counts and timings on a per-c-tree file basis.