Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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DISK_FULL_LIMIT <bytes available>

FairCom DB Servers for Unix and Windows support the DISK_FULL_LIMIT keyword, which activates a disk space threshold mechanism to detect when a disk volume is getting full. The DISK_FULL_LIMIT configuration keyword takes as its argument the number of bytes that must remain available on a disk volume after a file has been extended. If the update operation fails, a message is written in CTSTATUS.FCS naming the file involved.

FairCom DB Servers that do not support this feature ignore the DISK_FULL_LIMIT keyword.

Note: When the disk is full, the FairCom DB files cannot be extended. The FairCom DB operations that attempt to add or update data in a file and require the files to be extended will fail with specific errors. This diagnostic keyword is used to put supplemental information in the status file and alert the user.

Default: No disk full check

See Also
