SYSLOG <option>
FairCom DB optionally maintains a system event log, SYSLOG. This is maintained in two system files: SYSLOGDT.FCS and SYSLOGIX.FCS. These files comprise a FairCom DB data file and index pair with a record for each recordable system event. Unlike the text based CTSTATUS.FCS, SYSLOG can be encrypted such that entries cannot be added, deleted, or modified with a simple text editor, and vendors can log application specific entries.
The System Event Log contents are controlled by SYSLOG configuration keywords in ctsrvr.cfg, the ctsrvr.set settings file, or from the command line. They are entered as pairs in the form of: SYSLOG <keyword>. As many of these pairs as desired may be used at the discretion of your application vendor.
Current SYSLOG options include:
Only allow users in the ADMIN group to use the SystemLog() function to create vendor-defined entries in the log. |
Log each entry to CTSTATUS.FCS in the System Event Log, except for those entries which occur before or after the system logging monitor is in operation. |
Log file deletes and restores. |
Do not allow any calls to the SystemLog() function for user defined entries. |
Log the beginning and end of dynamic dumps and a result for each file dumped. |
Encrypt the SYSLOG files. Requires ADVANCED_ENCRYPTION YES |
Causes an automatic purge of the oldest entries in the log if the system cannot add a record to SYSLOGDT.FCS. All the entries occurring on the oldest day are deleted unless there are only entries for the current day in which case no entries are purged. After a successful purge, an attempt is made to add the new entry that triggered the automatic purge. If this add succeeds, the system log operation continues in its usual fashion. |
If there is no LOGFAIL_PURGE entry in the configuration file, or if the purge fails, the log entries will be rerouted to CTSTATUS.FCS if LOGFAIL_CTSTATUS is in the configuration file. This disables SYSLOG CTSTATUS; i.e, no more entries are made to the system log. |
If there is no automatic purge or it fails, and if there is no re-routing to CTSTATUS.FCS, either the system log will stop operation, or if LOGFAIL_TERMINATE is in the configuration file, the FairCom Server will shut down. Note: USE LOGFAIL_TERMINATE WITH CAUTION! |
Used in a settings file to eliminate additional SYSLOG entries in a server configuration file. |
Use RESTORE_POINT to log created restore points, recovery with restore points, and transaction rollback to restore points through utility programs. |
Enables SQL statement logging to the SYSLOG audit logs.This information includes connection information, improved timing, and logging the statement before it is actually executed for a detailed audit trail of all SQL operations. |
Allows specifying a user <name> to be excluded from this logging. All SQL statements are written to the log by default when SQL query logging is enabled by SYSLOG SQL_STATEMENTS,. Multiple users can be excluded by specifying the keyword multiple times. No validation is made that the <name> specified matches an existing user name. |
Over time the SYSLOGDT.FCS and SYSLOGIX.FCS files can become quite large requiring file maintenance to reduce the size. The SYSLOG() function supports purging records, optionally filtered by time and by event code. However, purging all entries one record at a time is slow, and storage device space is not released until new records are added over time. A better solution is the TRUNCATE capability available with V13. With SYSLOG TRUNCATE in your configuration file, when a complete purge is requested (no filtering by time or event) the file is truncated rather than deleting individual records. This approach is much faster and avoids limitations with space reuse. Any user reading SYSLOG files when they are truncated will encounter the FBLK_ERR error . After receiving this error, the user must close and reopen the files to proceed.. |
Log all logons, logoffs (including SQL users as of V12), and changes to user logon profiles. |
Note: Build 210901 and earlier had a 4GB limit to the SYSLOG files. It is highly recommended to limit information recorded in this file in high volume systems, and include the LOGFAIL_PURGE option to clear data as the file grows. To disable the creation of huge system log files, add SYSLOG NONHUGE to the server configuration file. Builds after 210901 no longer have a 4GB file size limit.
This configuration keyword logs executed SQL statements in SYSLOG:
A SYSLOG SQL_STATEMENTS (SYSLOG, SYSLOG) log entry is written after statement execution so it can also include the error code (if any).
The variable part of the SYSLOG entry contains statement information in JSON format similar to SQL_DEBUG LOG_STMT.
Below is a sample showing how it is displayed by the ctalog utility:
Class = 16 (SQL)
Event = 1 (SQL statement)
Date = 09/24/2020
Time = 17:40:11
Sequence number = 37
Error code = -20005
User ID = 'admin'
Node name = 'isql'
Variable-length information:
{"timestamp":"Tue Sep 24 17:40:27 2020","ipaddr":"","db":"CTREESQL","user":"admin","thread":29,"statement":"select * from missingtable"}