Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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REQUEST_TIME_MONITOR <request_time_interval>

FairCom DB supports monitoring function request times that exceed a specified time limit with the REQUEST_TIME_MONITOR <request_time_interval> keyword. <request_time_interval> is a time in seconds. A value of -1 disables the feature, meaning that it cannot be dynamically turned on using the ctSETCFG() function, as described below. A non-negative value (the minimum value is 10) specifies a request time in seconds. An internal thread checks for requests whose time has exceeded the specified request time. When the thread finds such a request, it writes a message to CTSTATUS.FCS, creates a process stack dump (on systems that support this feature), and logs diagnostic information to the file RQSTMON.FCS.

The ctSETCFG() function can be used to change the request time monitor interval value. For example:


sets the request time interval to 60 seconds. If the caller of ctSETCFG() is not a member of the ADMIN group, ctSETCFG() returns error LADM_ERR (589, member of ADMIN group required). Attempting to specify a negative value returns PBAD_ERR (749, bad parameter value). Attempting to enable this feature when REQUEST_TIME_MONITOR -1 is specified in the configuration file returns SETO_ERR (804, cannot override configuration option).

The previously unused field scttrnavl in the system snapshot structure (ctGSMS) has been renamed sctrqtmonint and is set to the request time monitor interval value. This change resulted in the system snapshot structure version change from 7 to 8.

Default: NO
