Product Documentation

Utilities: ctutil, cttrnmod, ctmigra, ctfileidctutil

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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ctutil provides functionality to perform maintenance tasks on indexed files. (Users of Vision COBOL will recognize it as the FairCom RTG counterpart of the Vision vutil utility.) It can be useful for importing data.

ctutil allows you to examine files, extract data records, change the maximum record size, and rebuild corrupted indexes. The functions are designed to allow you to specify all possible task parameters up front, such that the utility can run unattended or with a minimum of user interaction.

Beyond the functionality mentioned above, ctutil is important in many aspects of FairCom RTG operation, including preparing data for SQL access and importing BTRV data. See ctutil Commands for a listing of ctutil commands organized by type.


ctutil [-c config_file] [-s] command ...

  • -c config_file - specify a c-tree configuration file to bypass default CTREE_CONF
  • -s - superuser mode allows the utility to open a file marked as corrupted (ctOPENCRPT c-tree file mode)
  • ‑l (lower case "L") - dump the configuration in XML format before the actual ctutil output (V2 and later).
  • -o owner_name - specify the owner name (file password) required to fully access the file.

Return Code

The ctutil command returns 0 if the operation was successful or a positive number if it failed.

In This Section

ctutil Notes

ctunload407 to unload data of files affected by error 407

ctutil Commands



















-o word

















