Product Documentation

Utilities: ctutil, cttrnmod, ctmigra, ctfileidctutilctcbtran

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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The ctutil utility can be renamed to ctcbtran. In this case, it functions as an ad-hoc utility to turn on/off transaction processing. The parameter is the name of a file that contains a list of files to modify (one file name per line).

Notice that the utility functions similar to ctutil -tron except that the parameter is the name of a file listing the files to modify instead of the name of the table to modify.


ctcbtran list_file T|P|F|W

  • list_file - specify the name of a file that contains a list of files to be modified, one file name per line. Specify the file names as you would when passing a file name to ctuitl -tron.
  • T - Enable full transaction processing control (ctTRNLOG c-tree file mode). This mode is recommended for most applications and it is required to take full advantage of FairCom RTG advanced features.
  • P - Enable logical transaction processing control without logging (ctPREIMG c-tree file mode). This is the default mode and is indicated where both transaction atomicity and high performance are required. By suppressing transaction logging it is possible to achieve high data throughput at the expense of data recoverability. This mode is recommended in environments protected from system crashes or cases in which data integrity/recoverability is not an issue.
  • F - Asynchronous writes. This mode should only be used on files which data integrity is not critical as data recovery is not guaranteed in case of a system crash.
  • W - Synchronous writes (ctWRITETHRU c-tree file mode). This mode is indicated where transaction processing is not suitable yet data safety is still critical.


ctcbtran myfiles

The myfiles file would list the files to be modified with one file name on each line, for example:




See also -tron.
