Product Documentation

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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Converting BTRV Data to FairCom RTG with butil/ctutil

An alternative method for converting data from BTRV to FairCom RTG is as follows:

  1. Export the data using the BUTIL utility with the ‑save option:

    BUTIL -save btrvFile asciiFile

    where btrvFile is the name of your original BTRV data file and asciiFile is the name of the ASCII text file it is exported to.

  2. Import the data into FairCom RTG using ctutil. with the ‑load option together with ‑p:

    ctutil -load ctreeFile asciFile -p

    where ctreeFile is the name of the data file to be used with FairCom RTG and asciiFile is the name of the ASCII text file that was created in step 1.

See Also:
