Product Documentation

Utilities: ctutil, cttrnmod, ctmigra, ctfileidctutil-sqlunlink

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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Removes a file from the FairCom DB SQL dictionaries such that it is no longer accessible from SQL.


ctutil -sqlunlink file_name database_name

[-symb=table_name] [-prefix=table_prefix] [-owner=user_name]


  • file_name - File name without extension
  • database_name - Database name to remove the file (table) from
  • symb=table_name - Optional table name to use when adding file to a database
  • prefix=table_prefix - Optional prefix for table or symbolic name
  • owner=user_name - Optional user name to assign table ownership

Note: This is an administrative operation and therefore must be performed with caution. Do not attempt to use this operation on a file that is open. The <instance user> associated with the file for a sqlunlink operation must have either DBA or RESOURCE SQL privileges in order for the operation to succeed or a c-treeRTG error 456 (group access denied) is returned. While strongly discouraged, backward compatibility is provided with this configuration option: COMPATIBILITY SQLIMPORT_ADMIN_PASSWORD.
