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FairCom JDBC

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JDBC URL Connection String

Beginning with FairCom DB V11.2 and FairCom RTG V2, the connection string is in the following format:


The valid values for param are:

  • characterEncoding - Replace encoding with a valid Java encoding name (e.g., US‑ASCII, ISO‑8859-1, UTF‑8, etc.).
  • password
  • User
  • ssl - Values of basic (no peer certificate authentication) or peerAuthentication (server certificate authentication)

    When peerAuthentication is requested, the client’s trust store must contain the server’s certificate as shown in the example below.

The tutorials use a connection string that is set for the default configuration:

"jdbc:ctree://localhost:6597/ctreeSQL", "ADMIN", "ADMIN"

TLS/SSL Examples

Connection c = getConnection("jdbc:ctree://localhost:6597/ctreeSQL?ssl=basic");



Connection c = getConnection("jdbc:ctree://localhost:6597/ctreeSQL?ssl=peerAuthentication");

For backward compatibility, the older format ("jdbc:ctree:6597@localhost:ctreeSQL", "ADMIN", "ADMIN") is still supported but should be considered deprecated.
