Database Integrity Utilities

FairCom Command-Line Utilities
Administrative Utilities - Client
ctadmn - Server Administrator Utility
User Operations
Group Definitions
File Security
Monitor Clients
ctadmn Options for Monitoring Client Activity
Server Information
Server Configuration
Stop Server
Quiesce Server
Monitor Server Activity
Change Server Settings
ctadmn user listing for rtexecute thread running report launched by RTSCRIPT
ctcmpcif - IFIL-based Compact Utility
-oldsec - Updates in handling of security attributes
ctdbdistinct - Key Count Utility
ctdump - Schedule Backup Utility
dyndmp and dyndumpsetopt
ctdump stdout changes to the ctree Library
ctfilblkif - File Block Utility
ctfileid - Update File IDs
ctflush - File Flush Utility
ctpass - Password Utility
ctpathmigr - Change Internal Path Separators
ctquiet - Quiesce FairCom DB Utility
ctrbldif - IFIL-based Rebuild Utility
Option to set index's automatic segment attributes
-oldsec - Updates in handling of security attributes
ctsmon - Server Heartbeat Monitor
ctsqlcdb - FairCom DB SQL Database Maintenance Utility
ctsqlimp - SQL Import Utility
ctsqlutl - c-treeSQL Maintenance Utility
ctstat - Statistics Utility
Admin-System Report -vas
Tivoli-System Report -vts
Admin-File Report -vaf
Tivoli-File Report -vtf
Admin-User Report -vau
Function Timing Report -func
Text Report -text
I/O Time Statistics -iotime
I/O Statistics per File -file
Connection Information -userinfo and -userinfox
ISAM Statistics -isam
Enable Function Call Times by File -wrktime
Function Call Times by File -funcfile
Memory File Usage -m
Transaction Statistics -vat
File and User Lock -filelocks
Memory Use and Allocation Call Stacks -ml -mt
ctstop - Server Stop Utility
ctsysm - Server Status Monitoring Utility
cttrap - Communications Trap Playback utility
cttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility
dbdump - Data Unload Utility
dbload - Data Load Utility
dbschema - Schema Export Utility
ISQL Command-Line Interface
sa_admin - Command-line security administration utility
Administrator Options
User Options
Group Options
File Options
Administrative Utilities - Standalone
ctcfgset - Server Configuration File Encoding Utility
ctcmdset - Authentication File Encoding Utility
Master Password Verification Options
Advanced encryption master key store encrypted at system level on Windows
ctfchk - File Checksum Utility
cthghtrn - Displays the high-water mark for transactions
ctredirect - IFIL Update Utility for Redirected Filenames
Utilities - Client
ctinfo - ISAM File Info
ctinfo Sample Output
ctixmg - Incremental ISAM / Resource sample
ctsfex - Superfile Data Export Utility
cttpca - TPC A Test
ct_tpc - TPC A Test
ctvlqa - Variable-length quality assurance utility
ISQL Command-Line Interface
Utilities - Low Level
ctalgn - Change Alignment
ctcnfg - System Configuration Example
ctcv43 - Convert V4.3 Data File to FairCom DB Format
ctcv67 - Extended File Conversion Utility
ctdidx - Create flat key file
ctdmpidx - Index Dump Utility
ctflat - Create FairCom DB file from a flat file
ctflvrfy - Index Verify Utility
ctindx - Create index file from flat key file
ctpkey - Print key utility
ctpotp - Parameter to OTP conversion
ctptoi - Parameter to IFIL conversion
ctsfil - Superfile contents
ctunf1 - File Reformatting Utility
ctupdpad - Update the c-treeDB Pad Resource Utility
ctvfyidx - Index Verify Utility
ctvfyidx - Prior to V10.3.1
ctvfyfil - File Verify Utility
Utilities - Standalone
ct_ver - Display FairCom DB version that created file
ctchkbin - Checking for affected tables
ctclntrn Utility - Clean Transaction Mark
ctcmpcif - IFIL-based Compact Utility
-oldsec - Updates in handling of security attributes
Preventing Possible Data Loss with Compact & Rebuild Operations
ctencrypt - Utility to Change Master Password
ctfdmp - Forward Roll Utility
ctfileid - Update File IDs
ctfixbin - Fixing Affected Tables
ctidmp - Examine Dump Files
ctinfo - ISAM File Info
ctinfo Sample Output
ctldmp - Transaction Log Dump
ctrbldif - IFIL-based Rebuild Utility
Option to set index's automatic segment attributes
-oldsec - Updates in handling of security attributes
ctrdmp - Backup Restore or System Rollback
Rollback to New Restore Points with ctrdmp
ctrdmp options to convert path separators to operating system's native path separator
ctsbld - Superfile rebuild pre-pass
ctsbldm - Rebuild Superfile Index Members
ctscmp - Superfile Compact Utility
ctsfex - Superfile Data Export Utility
ctsqlmgr - Migration Utility
Utilities for Stored Procedures, User-Defined Functions & Triggers
dbschema - Option to dump SP, UDF, and triggers
dbdeploy - Utility to deploy SP, UDF, and triggers
Password Security
Requirements to Develop and Deploy (JDK, JRE)
redist Folder
FairCom Client Components License Agreement
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