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Utilities for Stored Procedures, User-Defined Functions & Triggersdbdeploy - Utility to deploy SP, UDF, and triggers

Database Integrity Utilities

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dbdeploy - Utility to deploy SP, UDF, and triggers

dbdeploy, is used to deploy stored procedures, user defined functions, and triggers to FairCom DB SQL servers that have been exported using the "dbschema -b" binary export option.


dbdeploy [-f] [-u username] [-a authentication] [-i inputfile] [-S BASIC | <cert_filename>]


  • -u - Username identifiable to the DBMS.
  • -a - Password for authentication.
  • -i - Input file.
  • -f - Force overwriting of existing items.
  • -S - TLS/SSL options for secure connection:
    • BASIC - Basic TLS/SSL encryption
    • <cert_filename> - Client cross-check certificate for TLS authentication
