Product Documentation

Utilities - Clientcttpca - TPC A Test

Database Integrity Utilities

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cttpca - TPC A Test

Operational Model:

  • Client

This is a C code sample program implementing the TPC (Transaction Processing Council) A test using the FairCom DB ISAM, FairCom DB API (CTDB), and ODBC APIs. You can execute the same test set using any combination of these APIs.

When included with FairCom RTG BTRV, this utility supports the FairCom DB BTRV interface as a fourth API.

This utility is perfect for benchmarking across computer systems, or for comparing the performance of these FairCom DB APIs. For full usage information, simply execute the utility without any parameters.

See ct_tpc for a C++ code version.

Note: This program is considered legacy, in favor of the more advanced ct_tpc version.
