When importing an ISAM data file into a c-treeSQL database, the c-treeSQL import utility, ctsqlimp, allows specifying the padding and delimiter characters used to pad string fields in a data file. The c-tree Update Pad Resource Utility, ctupdpad, provides a way to change the padding and delimiter characters in the c-treeDB padding resource.
The usage of this utility is as follows:
ctupdpad [options] table-name pad-char delimiter-char
Options are any combination of the following:
-s server-name [Default: FAIRCOMS]
-u user-name [Default: ADMIN]
-p password [Default: ADMIN]
The pad-char and delimiter-char values are specified with their corresponding ASCII code values.
ctupdpad table.dat 32 32
ctupdpad table.dat 32 0
ctupdpad table.dat 0 0