Utilities - Low Level
The tools listed in the section are low-level utilities.
In This Chapter
ctalgn - Change Alignment
ctcnfg - System Configuration Example
ctcv43 - Convert V4.3 Data File to FairCom DB Format
ctcv67 - Extended File Conversion Utility
ctdidx - Create flat key file
ctdmpidx - Index Dump Utility
ctflat - Create FairCom DB file from a flat file
ctflvrfy - Index Verify Utility
ctindx - Create index file from flat key file
ctpkey - Print key utility
ctpotp - Parameter to OTP conversion
ctptoi - Parameter to IFIL conversion
ctsfil - Superfile contents
ctunf1 - File Reformatting Utility
ctupdpad - Update the c-treeDB Pad Resource Utility
ctvfyidx - Index Verify Utility
ctvfyfil - File Verify Utility